Interlude I Chapter II

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The suns rises on Tatooine upon a new day. It has been about 11 years since Order 66 and life has become repetitive at this point for a certain Jedi.

Y/N is staring into his mirror and brushing his teeth. He spits and grabs some water to rinse his mouth. He gargles and looks at his now overgrown beard, deciding to give it a clean trim to look semi-presentable. He finishes shaving and stands back upright before going over to his dresser and grabbing another set of robes.

Once he's dressed, he exits his cave home within a valley. The same one he expanded accidentally a few years prior. The place is now well-furnished and polished. Y/N is very proud of his home and maintains it in as high of condition that he can. Which... is not all that great but he tries.

He stretches his entire body and goes for a walk.

Y/N: Maybe I'll pay him a visit. It's been a while.

He says to no one in particular. He carries on with his trek and arrives upon a small hovel hidden in the canyon. By this point, the suns have already gone past the middle of the sky and have begun to set once again. It was a very long walk.

Y/N chuckles to himself and slides down the rocky outcrop surrounding the home. He digs his left hand into the rock and slows his descent.

Once he reaches the ground, he shakes his hand free of pebbles and pats his front freeing it from dust. He walks over to the front door of the home and knocks twice. After a moment, he hears a loud crash from inside and a shuffling of feet.

Obi-Wan: I don't want any visitors, well wishers or anyone claiming anything outlandish.

Y/N chuckles at his friend's paranoia and responds.

Y/N: And what about very old friends?

There is more hurried shuffling and the door suddenly opens to an older looking Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan: Y/N?

Y/N: You know it.

The two hug for the first time in a couple of years and Obi-Wan invites Y/N inside. He accepts and the two sit down.

Y/N: So you look old. Older than usual. What's that about?

Obi-Wan: I was actually going to ask why you looked exactly the same.

Y/N: I have no idea. I guess genetic luck. So why do you look so disheveled?

Obi-Wan: It's a long story. Essentially-

Y/N: Nevermind. I don't need to know. It's fun to keep wondering. Anyway, how have you been my friend?

Obi-Wan: Same old same old. I've been communing with Qui-Gon. He has much to teach us.

Y/N: I can't say the same. I keep meaning to try but things just keeps getting in the way.

Obi-Wan: What kind of things could possibly keep you occupied on this husk of a planet?

Y/N: (barely above a whisper) Bounty hunting.

Obi-Wan: You can't be serious.

Y/N: I know Obi-Wan I know, but it kills time and it's a good way to keep my skills in tune without anyone around. Especially after Leia got kidnapped a year ago.

Obi-Wan: I don't think you realize how serious this is Y/N. If you slip up, the empire could find you. They're on active lookout for Jedi and you're one of the highest priority targets. You need to be careful.

Y/N: Well if you think I should be careful then you are not going to like what I'm doing tomorrow.

Obi-Wan: Do I even want to know?

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