Interlude II Chapter III

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Leia: Send him in.

With her order, the guards let in the tall man. Y/N waved at his daughter, and she, looking more mature, with Y/N still remaining the same in appearance. He walks into her office and takes a seat near her desk.

Y/N: Hi Leia. How's your day been?

Leia: That's General Organa to you.

Y/N: I'm a general too. Last time I checked I don't have to address you as such.

She snapped her fingers and scowled at him, turning away from her father. Y/N chuckled at his daughter, and leaned forward.

Y/N: I can call you that if you really really want it Leia.

Leia: No. Forget about it. Doesn't matter anyway.

Y/N: Whatever you say... General Organa.

An involuntary smirk worked its way onto her features as she turned back to face him.

Leia: That's better. Now, onto business. Why have you requested to meet like this? You could have spoken to me in any other way.

He takes a deep breath and sits upright in the chair.

Y/N: Here's the thing, Leia. I'm done.

A silence encapsulates the room as they both process what has been said.

Leia: ...You're done?... What with exactly?

He takes another sharp breath and spills his guts.

Y/N: With... With the military. With the wars, the training. All of it. I don't want to keep doing this.

Silence overtakes them again. Y/N clenched his fist and cracked his knuckles.

Leia: So, you're asking for a discharge? Something to get you out?

Y/N: I'm not asking, Leia. I'm telling you that I'm retiring regardless of discharge or not. I would like to have a life again. I'm sick of worrying that the Empire is going to sprout back up again and being around the base makes me nervous. I can't take it.

Leia: Alright. I have no issue with that.

Y/N: Leia I'm not taking no for an answer- Wait. No issue?

Leia: Yes. I have no issues with it. You've done more than your fair share before the empire's rise and it's fall. You could do with some R and R, father.

Y/N: (shivering) Yeah that still doesn't feel right.

Leia: I agree. Doesn't sit correctly. In any case, with the honorable discharge, there will have to be a ceremony of course.

Y/N: Oh please no. I don't need this attention. Feels like most people are unaware that I even exist at this point. I'd like to keep it that way.

Leia: Oh for the love of- You deserve the credit. You've probably done more for this universe than any other living creature. You deserve the spotlight. People should remember you. You're a hero.

Y/N: (bluntly) I think I'd rather be the unknown savior than the one everyone remembers. If you recall, on Naboo, the day you met your mother, everyone swarmed right past me, over to you and your brother. Luke nearly got kidnapped by the ladies there. (laughing) I don't need that. I'm fine being the forgotten hero.

Leia: But Y/N.

Y/N: No buts, Leia. No ceremony. Please, just put it in the system, and relieve me of my duty.

With remorse, Leia leaned down onto the computer and clicked a few buttons, tapping on the screen that read out Y/N's name and had a picture of his face, along with all of his accomplishments.

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