What We Knew

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Poe: Look at that fleet.

The Ion cannons on the Star Destroyers turn, and begin to fire on the resistance craft. They land all around, battering the large ships and narrowly missing smaller craft. Poe swerves out of the way.

Poe: Damn it!!

Lightning crashes and strikes a Star Destroyer, while cannon fire destroys a TIE fighter.

Poe: Welcome to Exegol!

Fighters bob and weave all around, evading green cannon fire, lightning and their own comrades. A-Wings, X-Wings, and Y-Wings dive along the sides of each other, trying not to crash into one another.

Vanik: Watch your starboard, Wexley!

Snap: Whoa!

Poe: Get to their altitude. They can't fire on us without hitting each other. Don't give up! Help is coming.

Poe drives his controls down, and leads the charge, diving down toward the Star Destroyers. His soldiers follow him, fearless, but still shaking.

Y/N: (over comm) There it is. Poe, I see it. I've got a visual on the tower.


The platform is slowly lowered down into the Sith Temple. Rey surveys her surroundings when they are set aglow by the ever present lightning. She breathes heavily as the platform comes to rest, down below several hundred foot statues.

As she walks, she sees the lightning and hears it squeal and land in the cracks in the ground. ON her left, she turns to see the lab, all destroyed. Several maimed bodies of Snoke lay strung about, in pieces or shriveled.

She walks ahead, entering into the lone path ahead. A single, narrow, open hole in the stone wall. Lightning shrieks as she moves through.


X-Wings fly past the massive engine of one of the Star Destroyers. A familiar roaring deafens the resistance pilots.

Snap: Incoming TIEs!

They turn to see the incoming craft rocketing away from a Star Destroyer hangar bay.

Poe: I see 'em! I got you Finn, Y/N!

Finn and Y/N's ship slides out of the way behind the X-Wings fleet. Finn nods and turns to Jannah who now sits in the pilot's seat.

Finn: You ready back there?

Jannah: Never been readier.

Finn: How about you, General L/N?

Y/N sits, his hands folded and his expression grim.

Y/N: ...Yeah, about that. Finn, let's talk.

The generals walk off to the back of the ship as Finn looks curiously at his friend and teacher.

Finn: What's wrong?

Y/N: Listen, Finn... Once we reach the ground, I've got to take care of something. You're gonna lead the assault.

Finn: You-You've got to be joking. What could you have to do right now? We need you with us, General. I... I need you to be here and help us.

Finn stutters and looks him in the eyes. There isn't a hint of humor on his face. It strikes him... Rey...

Finn: Let me come with you.

Y/N: No, Finn. This is beyond you.

Finn: You don't know that! I could help. I could-

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