Repairs & Searching

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Holding his ignited lightsaber before him, Luke wades a few feet into the murky pool, looking for any sign of his little friend.

Luke: R2!

The black surface is still as death itself... until a few bubbles begin to appear. Then... The runt-size robot is spit out of the water, he makes a graceful arc, and comes crashing down into a patch of soft gray moss.

Luke: Oh, no! Are you all right? Come on. You're lucky you don't taste very good. Anything broken?

Luke helps R2 to his feet and begins wiping the mud and roots from his round metal body. R2 responds with feeble, soggy beeps.

Luke: If you're saying coming here was a bad idea, I'm beginning to agree with you. Oh, R2, what are we doing here? It's like... something out of a dream, or, I don't know. Maybe I'm just going crazy.

As Luke glances around at the spooky swamp jungle that surrounds him, R2 ejects a stream of muddy water from one of his cranial ports.


Admiral Piett hesitates in the entryway to Vader's private cubicle. After a moment, he steps into the room and pauses at the surprising sight before him.

Darth Vader, his back turned, is silhouetted in the gloom on the far side of the chamber. A black, insect-like droid attends him. Among the various apparatuses surrounding them, a respirator tube now retracts from Vader's uncovered head.

The head is bald with a mass of ugly scar tissue covering it. The black droid then lowers the mask and helmet onto Vader's head. When it is in place, the Dark Lord turns to face Piett.

Vader: Yes, Admiral?

Piett: Our ships have sighted the Millennium Falcon, lord. But... it has entered an asteroid field and we cannot risk...

Vader: (interrupting) Asteroids do not concern me, Admiral. I want that ship and not excuses.

Piett: Yes, lord.


The Corellian starship rests in a dark, dripping asteroid cave. It is so dark that the cave's exact dimensions are impossible to determine.

Y/N, Han, and Chewie busily shut down the engine and all electronic systems. 3PO and Leia watch worriedly.

Y/N: We've gotta shut down everything but the emergency power systems. Otherwise they'll be able to detect us on their scanners.

3PO: Sir, I'm almost afraid to ask, but... does that include shutting me down, too?

Chewie barks "yes". But Han thinks otherwise.

Han: No, I need you to talk to the Falcon, find out what's wrong with the hyperdrive.

Suddenly, the ship lurches, causing all the loose items in the cockpit to go flying. Chewie howls.

3PO: Sir, it's quite possible this asteroid is not entirely stable.

Y/N: Thanks captain obvious.

Han: Not entirely stable? I'm glad you're here to tell us these things. Chewie, take the professor in the back and plug him into the hyperdrive.

3PO: Oh! Sometimes I just don't understand human behavior. After all, I'm only trying to do my job in the most...

The sliding door closes behind the indignant 3PO as Chewie and he move back to the hold.

Y/N: I'll go make sure Chewie doesn't maul the robot back there. I know I would.

Y/N leaves through the door and leaves Han and Leia alone. Suddenly, the ship lurches again, throwing Leia across the cabin into Han's arms. Then, abruptly, the motion stops as suddenly as it started. With some surprise, Han and Leia realize they are in each other's arms.

The Forgotten Hero: A Star Wars StoryWhere stories live. Discover now