Mos Espa

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The little group walks down the main street of Mos Espa. They pass dangerous looking citizens of all types. Padme looks around in awe at this exotic environment.

Qui-Gon : Moisture farmers for the most part, but also a few indigenous tribes and scavengers. The few spaceports like this one are havens for those who do not wish to be found...

Padme: us.

Jar Jar is in a constant state of panic. R2 whistles along, with perfect confidence.

Jar Jar: Dissen berry berry bad. (steps in ooze)
Ooooh... icky... icky... goo.

The group comes to a little plaza surrounded by several junk spaceship dealers.

Qui-Gon: We'll try one of the smaller dealers.

They head for a little junk shop that has a huge pile of broken spaceships stacked up behind it.

Qui-Gon, Jar Jar, Padme, and R2 enter the dingy junk shop and are greeted by Watto, a pudgy blue alien who flies on short little wings like a

Watto: Hi chuba da naga? (What do you want?)

Qui-Gon: I need parts for a J-type 327 Nubian.

Watto: Ah yes, ah yes. Nubian. We have lots of that. What kinda junk? Peedenkel! Naba dee unko (Boy, get in here! Now!)

Qui-Gon: My droid here has a readout of what I need.

A disheveled boy, Anakin Skywalker, runs in from the junkyard. He is about nine years old, very dirty, and dressed in rags. Watto raises a hand, and Anakin flinches.

Watto: Coona tee-tocky malia? (What took you so long?)

Anakin: Mel tassa cho-passa... (I was cleaning the bin like you...)

Watto: Chut-Chut! Ganda doe wallya. (Never mind! Watch the store) Me dwana no bata. (I've got some selling to do here.) (to Qui-Gon)
Soooo, let me take- a thee out back. N you'll find what you need.

R2 and Qui-Gon follow Watto toward the junkyard, leaving Jar Jar with Padme and the young boy Anakin. Jar Jar picks up a gizmo, trying to figure out its purpose. Qui-Gon takes the part out of his hand and puts it back.

Qui-Gon: Don't touch anything.

Jar Jar makes a rude face to Qui-Gon's back and sticks out his long tongue.

Anakin sits on the counter, pretending to clean a part, staring at Padme.

She is the most beautiful creature he has ever seen in his life. Padme is a little embarrassed by his stare, but she musters up an amused smile.
Finally, he gets the courage to speak.

Anakin: Are you an angel?

Padme: What?

Anakin: An angel. I've heard the deep space pilots talk about them. They live on the Moons of Iego I think. They're the most beautiful creatures in the universe. They are good and kind, and so pretty they make even the most hardened spice pirate cry.

Padme looked at Anakin with a stunned expression and searched for the words to respond with.

Padme: I've never heard of angels.

Anakin: You must be one...maybe you just don't know it.

Padme: You're a funny little boy. How do you know so much?

Anakin: Since I was very little, three, I think. My Mom and I were sold to Gardulla the Hutt, but she lost us, betting on the Podraces, to Watto, who's a lot better master than Gardulla, I think.

Padme: You're...a slave?

Anakin looks at Padme defiantly.

Anakin: I'm a person! My name is Anakin.

Padme: I'm sorry. I don't fully understand. This is a strange world to me.

Anakin studies her intently.

Anakin: You're a strange girl to me. Anyway, you should meet my brother Y/N. I bet he'd think you're an angel too. He likes pretty girls.

Padme gave yet another confused expression.

Padme: You have a brother?

Anakin: Yeah his name is Y/N. He's my older brother but not really. My mom adopted him before I was born because no one wanted him.

Padme just stared intently at the young Anakin as he seemed to get lost in his thoughts for a second before resuming.

Anakin: Yeah, he doesn't work in here like me but he's farming for moisture out there all the time because he's older and strong enough to do it.

In the background Jar Jar pushes the nose on what appears to be a little droid, and it instantly comes to life, grows legs and arms, and starts marching around, knocking over everything. Jar Jar holds on but can't stop it.

Anakin: Hit the nose!

Jar Jar hits the nose, and the droid collapses back into its original state. Anakin and Padme laugh. Anakin watches Padme straighten her hair.

While Qui-Gon negotiates outside with Watto,
Y/N is out in the sand dunes farming hard for moisture.

He is all by himself and has shed his shirt once again to reveal his scarred tan body as he sweat through it so quickly like normal. He sets up another moisturizer in the dirt and moves his arm from his side to wipe the massive amount of sweat from his brow.

Y/N: I really wish I was young like Anakin so they wouldn't have me out here in the middle of this hellscape all day every day.

Y/N took a moment before propping up another moisturizer on his arms. He lifted it onto his shoulder and carried it about 30 yards to the next station that was supposed to be there.

Y/N lowered the connector and locked it into place before bending down and connecting all of the wires and tightening the connector before standing back upright.

He looked back at the pile of moisturizers he was supposed to set up today and he realized that he had finished his work for the day.

Y/N: I put up seven of those things in a few hours? It usually takes me an hour just to set one of them up. Damn things are more temperamental than the sandstorms on this planet.

And on that note Y/N stared off into the distance and noticed a sandstorm brewing.

Y/N: Well, that's a problem. I should get back. Mom and Ani might worry if I don't get back before this storm kicks up bad.

Y/N began the trudge back to his and his adopted family's hovel in mos espa.

Unfortunately the sandstorm kicked up badly while Y/N was still struggling to March through the sandy dunes of tatooine.

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