Boonta Eve Eve

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Kitster, Seek, Amee, and Wald join Anakin, Y/N, Jar Jar, R2, and Padme securing some wiring.

Analin: Padme and Jar Jar, this is my friend Kitster, and seek, Amee, and Wald.

All of them whistle, hoot, and speak a greeting.

Kitster: Wow, a real Astro'd you get so lucky?

Anakin: This isn't the half of it. I'm entered in the Boonta Race tomorrow!

Kitster: What? With this??

Y/N: Yes with this. We're gonna make it work.

Wald: Ani, Jesko na joka. (You are such a joke, Ani.)

Amee: You two have been working on that thing for years. It's never going to run.

Seek: Come on, let's go play ball. Keep it up, Ani, and you're gonna be bug squash. Y/N I never expected you to help Ani get himself killed.

Y/N: I know my little brother is gonna be fine. Best podracer on the planet I tell you

Seek: Y/N you're almost as crazy as he is!

Y/N: Now that right there is very hard to do.

Seek, Wald, and Amee take off, laughing. Jar Jar is fiddling with one of the energy binder plates.

Y/N: Hey! What's that thing's name? Jar Jar! Stay away from those energy binders!

Jar Jar: Who, meesa?

Y/N points his tool at Jar Jar in a threatening manner.

Y/N: Yes you. If any part of you gets caught in the rays it'll go numb for hours.

Jar Jar peeks at the energy plate; it makes a little electronic pop, zaps him in the mouth and jumps back. Jar Jar tries to say something, but his mouth is numb and his words are garbled.

Jar Jar: Ouch-dats muy bigo Oucho. (Gibberish)


Jar Jar: Meesa scared of you. Yousa not nice

Y/N: Oh you'll be scared of me once I'm finished with you!

Y/N throws his tool at Jar Jar which he manages to avoid and takes off running as Y/N grabs yet another tool and gives chase.

The group stares at the two going at it as Anakin's friends continue talking.

Kitster: But you don't even know if this thing will run.

Anakin: It will.

Qui-Gon approaches the group and gives Anakin a small battery.

Qui-Gon: I think it's time we found out. Use this power charge.

Anakin: Yes, sir!!

Anakin jumps into the little capsule behind the two giant engines. He puts the power pack back into the dashboard.

Jar Jar calls for help in the distance and the others hear a thunk of metal on flesh.

Y/N walks back out from the corner, dusting his hands off and Jar Jar follows behind with a noticeable bump on his head.

Everyone cheers.

Y/N: See! I told you it would work!

Shmi watches from the porch, and smiles sadly.

Later on the balcony at night

Anakin sits on the balcony rail of his hovel as Qui-Gon tends to a cut. The boy leans back to look at the vast blanket of stars in the sky. His brother Y/N sits next to him doing the same.

Qui-Gon: Sit still, Anakin. Let me clean this cut.

Anakin: There are so many! Do they all have a system of planets?

Qui-Gon: Most of them.

Anakin: Has anyone been to them all?

Qui-Gon: (laughs) Not likely.

Anakin: I want to be the first one to see them all... Ouch!

Qui-Gon wipes a patch of blood off Anakin's arm.

Y/N: Anakin, that's not gonna happen. Because I'm going to be the first to see them all. You don't have a chance.

Qui-Gon: There, good as new...

Shmi yells from inside the hovel.

Shmi: Ani, bedtime!

Qui-Gon scrapes Anakin's blood onto a comlink chip.

Anakin: What are you doing?

Qui-Gon: Checking your blood for infections.

Anakin: I've never seen...

Shmi: Ani! I'm not going to tell you again!

Anakin: How come Y/N doesn't have a bedtime?

Shmi: Because Y/N is older than you!

Qui-Gon: Go on, you have a big day tomorrow. Goodnight.

Y/N: Yeah better luck next time little man.

Anakin rolls his eyes and runs into the hovel. Y/N turns back around to face Qui-Gon with an inquisitive face.

Y/N: So why have you taken such an interest in my little brother? I know you think he's a good racer and he can get you the parts, but there's got to be something else here. No one, not even the richest, snarkiest prick in the galaxy would put even a bit of money on him. You're betting your whole ship.

The master Jedi is taken aback by the sudden question but decides to answer anyway.

Qui-Gon: In truth, I see the power in you and your brother. I'm going to make a bet with Watto that when Anakin wins, I get you both. I want you and your family to live a good life. Come here, let me take a sample of your blood so we can test it like your brother's.

Y/N extends his arm hesitantly and rolls up his ratty sleeve as Qui-Gon takes the sample and takes the blood stained chips and inserts them into the comlink, Anakin's first and then Y/N's,  and then calls Obi-Wan.

Qui-Gon: Obi-Wan...

Obi-Wan: Yes, Master.

Qui-Gon: Make an analysis of these blood samples I'm sending you.

Obi-Wan: Wait a minute...

Qui-Gon: I need a midi-chlorian count.

Obi-Wan: All right. I've got them.

Qui-Gon: What are your readings?

Obi-Wan: Something must be wrong with the transmission.

Qui-Gon: Here's a signal check.

Obi-Wan: Strange. The transmission seems to be in good order, but the reading's off the chart... over twenty thousand for the first one and...

Qui-Gon: What is it Obi-Wan?

Obi-Wan: The second sample reads nearly forty-thousand.

Qui-Gon: (almost to himself) That's it then.

Obi-Wan: Even Master Yoda doesn't have a midi-chlorian count that high!

Qui-Gon: No Jedi has.

Obi-Wan: What does it mean?

Qui-Gon: I'm not sure.

The Jedi Knight looks up and looks at Y/N listening to his conversation in confusion. He also sees Shmi in the doorway watching him. Embarrassed, she goes back into the kitchen

Y/N: So what does that mean?

Qui-Gon: It means that you and your brother are strong with the force.

Y/N gets up and leaves the balcony, in shock and leaves Qui-Gon to ponder the situation alone.

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