Back to Jakuu??

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Three TIE fighters head to the massive ship high above Jakku.


Inside the Star Destroyer's interrogation room, Poe, shackled to a chair, beaten and bloody, wakes up.

Kylo Ren: I had no idea we had the best pilot in the Resistance on board. Comfortable?

Through battered lips, Poe responds

Poe: Not really.

Kylo Ren: I'm impressed. No one has been able to get out of you what you did with the map.

Poe: Might wanna rethink your technique.

Kylo Ren says nothing, reaches out to him. Poe flinches in the chair as Kylo Ren reaches for his face, not touching him. Poe is soon in agony, remaining in horrible silence.

Kylo Ren: Where is it?

Poe: The Resistance will not be intimidated by you.

Kylo Ren: Where... is it?

Poe can't take it. He screams shrilly in pain.


With a woosh, the cell door slides up. Kylo Ren exits, fiercely, confronts General Hux, a redheaded man, who awaits him.

Kylo Ren: It's in a droid. A BB unit.

General Hux: Well then. If it's on Jakku, we'll soon have it.

Kylo Ren: I leave that to you.


BB-8 is dropped to the sand.

Rey: Don't give up. He still might show up. Whoever it is you're waiting for. Classified. I know all about waiting.

BB-8 beeps out a question.

Rey: For my family. They'll be back. One day. Come on.

She tries to force a smile, but can't, really. She heads off. BB-8 beeps in curiosity... then heads after her.


Rey stands with BB-8 in front of Unkar Plutt, at his window. He reviews her goods. He glances quickly at BB-8.

Unkar: These five pieces are worth... Let me see here... One half portion.

Rey: Last week they were a half portion each.

She hates him. He leans forward.

Unkar: What about the droid?

Rey: What about him?

Unkar: I'll pay for him.

BB-8 doesn't like this at all. Rey is awkward, but curious. In loads, Plutt slams heaps of food down onto the counter.

Unkar: Sixty portions.

This leaves Rey stunned. Literally hungry enough to eat this amount of food, her stomach practically rumbles. She moves up and wraps her arms around the pile, longingly.

BB-8 sees her interest and beeps furiously, not liking this conversation at all. She looks at Unkar, then down at BB-8. She considers it all. Finally, she hears herself speak.

Rey: Actually... The droid's not for sale. (to BB-8) Come on.

This leaves Unkar furious. Rey, then BB-8, heads out. Recovering, Unkar watches her go with dark eyes. He picks up a communicator and angrily speaks into it.

Unkar: Follow the girl and get that droid.

He slams the service window door shut, ignoring the rest of the scavengers.

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