Snow Fight

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Other troops load power packs into a gun turret and swing its guns into position. Near the base power generators, troops rush to set up their heavy battle equipment. Buzzing loudly, the generators send along, sparking fingers of energy into the bitter Hoth wind.

Inside the base, Y/N stands talking to Luke.

Luke: I swear it was like a ghost. He told me to go to Dagobah.

Y/N: Dagobah?! Yeah. Absolutely. I'm not sure whether that was actually Obi-Wan or not but going to Dagobah would be good for you. Just be careful. Tell Yoda I said hi.

Luke: I'll be sure to do that once I get there.

Y/N: (hands him something) Here, take this comlink. Keep me updated once the dust is settled.

Luke gratefully accepts the comlink and turns to run but not before Y/N gives him some parting words

Y/N: Be safe Luke. May the force be with you.

Luke nods and the two split. Luke going to the hangar bay and Y/N going to the control center.


The long line of Rebel Controllers is tense, as are Y/N, Princess Leia, and General Rieekan, the latter two of which are trying very hard not to show any fear.

Rieekan: Their primary target will be the power generators. Prepare to open the shield.

Y/N: We need to get this thing up and running as quickly as possible.

Rieekan: How come you aren't out there in the hangar bay General?

Y/N: I can't drive a speeder. Flying a spacecraft is easier because there's no real direction in space. Driving in two dimensions is too dangerous.

The Rebel transport and two escort fighters begin their departure from the planet.


A huge Imperial Star Destroyer rests against a sea of stars, far above the white surface of the planet Hoth.

An Imperial Controller approaches his commander.

Controller: Sir, Rebel ships are coming into our sector.

Captain: Good. Our first catch of the day.


Woman Controller: Stand by, ion control... Fire!

The giant ball-shaped ion cannon rotates into position and blasts two red energy beams skyward.

Y/N: (over comlink) Transport one get going!

The Rebel transport and its escort race away from the white planet, closely followed by the two red energy beams. As the Rebel transport races toward the waiting Imperial Star Destroyer, it is overtaken by the two scarlet energy bolts. The Imperial Star Destroyer is hit in the conning tower by the powerful bolts, which set up fiery explosions on its metal hull.

The big Star Destroyer veers, then spins wildly out of control. As the Imperial ship careers into deep space, the Rebel transport races away to safety.


Pilots, gunners, and troopers hurry to their stations and their vehicles.

Announcer: (over loudspeaker) The first transport is away.

Everyone cheers at the announcement, which echoes through the hangar. Luke turns and walks on, heading toward his snowspeeder. His gunner, Dack, a fresh-faced, eager kid, is glad to see him. They climb in.

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