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A/N: Hi everyone. It's been a few months since I discovered HNK and I've always hated how few fanfictions existed of this fantastic Manga so I decided to create one myself! I admit that I'm not the best writer that exists but I feel I've improved a lot compared to a few years ago. The updates will be very irregular, it depends above all on how many homework the school decides to give me.

Disclaimer: I know the gems are canonically genderless but in order not to go crazy I decided to use the pronouns they have in the manga, he/him. While the reader will be gender neutral.

PS: This story is also published on Quotev. I will update it more on that site as I find it better to write the.


"Ugh. I can't find anything!" The blades of grass covering the entire valley buckled under the weight of the humanoid gem. His peppermint eyes were closed as he enjoyed the wind passing through his hair. With another sigh the young gem opened his eyes bringing the object of his frustration into his vision. The pages of an empty notebook blocked the sunlight as they danced to the melody of the wind. "Why did Sensei have to give me this job? It's useless and boring" he cursed glaring at the innocent pages "Why do I have to write a stupid encyclopedia?! I want to fight like Morganite and Goshe! Plus there's nothing that hasn't already been discovered and written about in the library. . ."

And as if heaven had listened to his complaints something happened. As his glassy eyes scanned the pages, as if words would magically appeared, they noticed a dark figure hidden behind the notebook. The intrigued gem moved the notebook thus having a perfect view of the strange figure. A black spot was hunging in the sky, a black spot that every gem knew well.  'A sunspot!' his eyes widened at the realization 'This is bad. I have to warn Sensei Kongo' but while he was rising the sunspot stopped growing. Against his better judgment the gem stopped and looked at the strange sunspot. A few moments passed and the peppermint gem noticed something falling from it before it began to disappear.

The object fell into the water forming a huge wave before submerging and floating back to the surface. From where the gem was, he couldn't see the object well but it didn't seem to move. Hesitantly he began to approach the water noting that the waves had washed the object ashore. He held up his notebook ready to defend himself if anything that had fallen from the sky tried to attack him. He knew this was a bad idea, what he should do now is go right back into the school and warn Sensei, not going investigate the thing. After all, his peppermint color and brittle three-and-a-half hardness were very appealing to the Lunarias, and anything that had to do with the Lunarias was a bad thing, wasn't it? But he couldn't help his curiosity and ended up doing the thing he did best of all, getting into trouble.

When he got close enough he could get a better view of the object. It had a humanoid figure with predominant color (S/C), it had (H/C) hair and was lying on its stomach with the waves occasionally bathing it. The gem crouched next to it to get a better view, he had never seen anything like it before. It looked like him but it wasn't a gem and it wasn't even a lunaria either. So what was it?

He reached out to the strange humanoid and tried to turn it over only to let out an 'EKK!' when his smooth hard hand touched something soft and warm. From amazement he used too much force making it turn on its stomach abruptly. The gem brought a hand to his mouth scared to have awakened it in some way but when he saw that nothing happened he lowered it breathing a sigh of relief. Moving closer he touched it again, shivering at the strange texture it had "What the hell are you?" he asked himself as he inspected his new discovery again. "You're nothing I've ever seen..." at that moment his eyes fell on the notebook that was placed on the sand not far away and his eyes widened "You're nothing I've ever seen!" he took the notebook and held it up in front of him, his eyes reflected excitement and determination, a smile painted on his face. "You will be my first discovery! Ha ha ha, to hell with everyone who thought I couldn't do it! I found a. . . uh, whatever it is! Now Sensei will see my valor and send me into battle!" cried the gem taking his pencil and writing in large letters on the first page 'First Discovery of Phosphollite'.

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