Chapter 24

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☆▪︎▪︎▪︎ 50 years after Phos's transplant  ▪︎▪︎▪︎☆

It was a normal day.

Normal as it can be with having two gems constantly glued to you.

"Big sib! Can we go train with Bort today!?" Goshe asked excitedly pulling your arm "Huh sure. If you have a death wish" you replied not looking at him, too busy reading today's report. "Are you sure Goshe? Bort scares me a little . . ." muttered Morga in a near whisper as he approached your side. The gray gem sent a confident smile towards his friend "Don't worry Morga! After all big sib _____ will protect us, right?"

Goshe laughed suddenly jumping onto your back making you choke on your saliva. God, this kid will be your death. But you couldn't deny that you had a soft spot for these two. Whether it's because you feel compelled to protect them from what happened with the two old gems or because Morga was adorable and Goshe reminded you of young Phos. You swear you'll put anyone 6 ft under if anything happens to them.

"I see you're having fun"

Goshe perked at the new voice climbing off your back and running towards the two gems that just arrived "Yellow! Dia!" the older diamond smiled warmly patting the younger gem's head. "Oh! Hi guys. What are you doing here?" you asked approaching them, closely followed by a shy Morga who took advantage of your back to hide. "We were looking for you ____" Dia said waving at Morga.

"Oh? What can I help you with, my dear diamonds?" You asked curiously. Yellow took care of answering your question "Since Benito is at Rutile, because he has shattered himself, there is an empty workstation. Euclase asked us if we could replace them since our original workstation was the closest"

Goshe tilted his head displaying clear confusion "Big brother Benito shattered? What happened? Did he fight the Lunarians?" Dia shook his head chuckling nervously "No, well. . . Let's say he fell off a cliff" You sweatdropped feeling Morga peeking his head behind you "He fell?" he inquired. "Unfortunately, during the patrol the ground gave way" Yellow tried to explain.

"Neptunite scared him" you interrupted him.

"Neptunite scared him. . ."

You sighed crossing your arms, you would bet all the money you don't have that Benito can't take it anymore with Neptunite. "And so we were looking for someone to accompany us during this somewhat impromptu patrol" finished Dia. You thought about it, today you had nothing to do so you might as well accompany them. "Sure, I wouldn't mind taking a stroll outside"

Goshe let out a loud 'YAS!' raising a fist to the sky "Did you hear Morga? We're going on our first patrol!" for the second time you choked on your saliva sending a shocked look to Goshe "Who told you that you can come?" the gray gem crossed his arms pouting "And why can't we?"

"I don't know. Maybe because you've never trained?"

"You never let us train with you and big brother Bort!"

"Trust me I did you a favor"

Normally you would have said yes right away but the fact that they had never touched a sword worried you. Plus after losing the old Morga and Goshe you became a bit paranoid. Seeing that the younger gem had no luck with you he turned to the two diamond brothers "Big brother Yellow! Big brother Dia! Can we come?"

"H-Huh. . .I. . ." Dia didn't know what to say as he kept looking at Yellow for help, the gem noticed it choosing to take mattersintohis hands. "Hey how about we do this? Sensei is sleeping now, if you can wake him up you can come with us" Goshe's crystalline eyes lit up and the gem immediately ran away dragging his poor friend after him "Let's go Morga! We have a Sensei to wake up"

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