Special 100 hearts on Quotev!!

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A/N: by popular demand, the gem that made all hnk fans cry rivers is back among us!


Plus young Phos


gThe snow, so candid and soft, so white that piled up it seemed to form a canvas that covers the whole world. As if someone decided to create a new document once the old one had no more room to draw. You don't think you remember the snow being SO white. Ah must be nice not to have the pollution that grays the snow making it almost a dirt on the streets.

"What are you doing?"

Without taking your eyes off the sky, speckled with snowflakes, you gave the gem an answer "I'm trying to catch the snowflakes with my tongue" it was difficult to speak with your mouth open and if Antarct wasn't already used to your and Phos's antics he wouldn't have understood anything you said. Speaking of the peppermint gem, he quickly joined you with a big smile on his face, eyes also fixed on the snow rain

"Oh! Sounds funny!" he said opening his mouth and trying to imitate you. It's a pity that in the absence of a tongue he couldn't succeed much, ending up only with his face covered in snow. You laughed at your friend's childish behavior as Antarct also approached to look at the sky. "What's so interesting about the snow?" he asked puzzled.

"I haven't seen it in a long time. Especially so white and pure. I could just eat a whole block of snow and not worry about catching some weird disease." at that moment a flake landed on your tongue refreshing it. It tasted like water. Not that surprising. "Really? It always looks the same to me" admitted the white gem looking away from the sky to direct it towards you.

"That's because you've never seen anything but this landscape" you sweatdropped meeting his crystalline eyes. Suddenly Phos gasped loudly covering his eyes "Ah! It got in my eye! A snowflake got in my eye! I can feel it!" You burst out laughing as Antarct tried his best to calm down the restless peppermint gem. After a while the situation finally calmed down as well as the gentle rain of snow that had given the landscape another layer of the white substance. Which means that soon you will have to go back to shoveling the entrance and the surroundings of the school.

"I'm sooooo bored" complained Phos lying on the floor of Rutile's laboratory, Antarct was busy working (As if he knew how to do anything else) while you were building a castle made of books to occupy the time. Being only in three awake during the winter can be very boring and no matter how much work there is, in the end even that becomes repetitive. "If you're bored come and help me here to rearrange the bags of powder from the oldest to the newest. And you ___ do something instead of fiddling with books"

At the same time you and Phos let out a loud sigh not really admiring the perspective that Antarct had proposed "It's still work. Don't you guys have some fun activities to do during winter? Like I don't know . . ." you thought for a few seconds before an idea popped into your mind. If you were in a comic book a light bulb would have appeared next to your head "Snowmen!"

The two gems looked at you confused "Snowmen? What is it?" Antarct asked supported by Phos who nodded in agreement. "Well. A snowman is practically a person made of snow" you explained gesturing towards you and the snow to make the concept understood. Phos gasped with a determined expression "Are they like the ice floes? Are they bad? If we have to fight don't worry because I'll defend you!" he exclaimed throwing punches in the air doing some karate moves.

"I've never heard of snowmen" Antarct placed a hand on his chin "But if they are a weapon of the Lunarians we must warn the Sensei immediately" he ordered and the gem next to him placed a hand on his forehead making a military salute "Yes, sir!" You blinked speechless, when did you ever say that snowmen were even relatively bad? "Hey hey! Stop there! Snowmen aren't evil. I don't know where you got that from."

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