Chapter 4

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A/N: I forgot to say that im sorry if the grammar is a little off. English is not my first language.


"Oh heaven" Jade sighed as he walked beside Euclase "That Phos is such a pain" admitted the green gem. "I don't understand how Sensei thought it was a good idea to let him take care of the human. I even end up pulling Dia in the middle. I hope they are both fine" the gem beside him smiled as he checked the files he was holding. "Let's hope that while Sensei sleeps nothing happens" Jade huffed "Euclase. . .it stay between us, but waking up Sensei is harder than fighting the Lunarians," he admitted sweatdropping as he remembered trying to wake Kongo up. Not even an atomic bomb or an earthquake would work on him. And if Phos got himself in trouble, well that's his business. Maybe he'll learn his lesson. "Come on Jade, even if we're talking about Phos I don't think he's going to get himself into trouble. . .everyday. And then there's (___) with him, you shouldn't worry so much"

At that moment a shadow stood over the two gems, confused they turned only to find a huge shell falling a meter away from them. What the hell was that thing? "Jade! Euclase! Above you" they heard Dia call to them and they turned to see the diamond dragging Phos with (___) and Bort behind him. They looked up at the huge sunspot above the school. "How did we miss it," Jade exclaimed. Bort leapt into the air towards the sunspot and the two gems let out a sigh of relief "Ah there's Bort. Then there is nothing else for us to do" Euclase noticed the diamond approaching and whisperd-yelled "Jade!" who corrected himself "Sorry . ."

You ran after Dia who suddenly threw Phos at Jade. The green gem grabbed him just in time "You again!?"

"It's not my fault this time!"

Dia turned to you "Run towards Jade and Euclase. They will protect you" and jumped into the air following Bort towards the sunspot. You approached the other three gems left on the ground. They seemed to be examining a shell. "Come on Phos why don't you check this thing out?" The peppermin gen shook his head "No thanks. I leave you the honor" to which Euclase smiled "It's too heavy for me" you approached the shell and placed your hand on it. It looked like a normal shell only in a giant version. "I would say it looks like a snail shell. . ." Why did the Lunarians have a snail shell? Where did they get it? The sea isn't far away, could they have recovered it from there? And to do what?

"Oh! So you are an expert on it. We'll leave it up to you then" Euclase said with a smile "We have to find a job for you too. You can start with this. Call us when you're done,” Jade said as he walked away. “HUH?!” you exclaimed. Did they by any chance dump their work on you? What should you do now? Dissect it? "Hey wait I don't know what to d-" you stopped yourself, something was wrong. Something was behind you, you felt it, and it wasn't Phos. You looked up making eye contact with a pink slug. Of course, its owner had to be in the shell.

His mouth opened ready to devour you but someone pushed you away. The noise attracted Jade and Euclase who turned gasping. You got up just in time to see Phos being eaten by the snail. "PHOS!" you called him. Euclase leapt at the snail cutting it in half but had no effect. The gelatinous mass closed up as if nothing had happened. Euclase landed beside you staring in amazement at the blade of the sword. "It's brok-, it melted?" the snail attacked the two-color gem again but he was saved just in time by Jade. "Jade! Your leg is melting!"

You turned pale at Euclase's exclamation. Melt? Does this mean Phos is melting?! You need to do something ASAP. You can't let your friend die like this. You tried to get closer but Euclase took your arm bringing you back "No. It's too dangerous" he said shaking his head. You looked at him worried. Was there nothing you could do? "Hey trash! Where are you?!" Bort yelled from above "I'm talking to you. Say something brat!" he attacked the snail with his hair but this attempt was also in vain, it ended up just melting his black hair. "Acid? Heat? Are they going to melt us down and take us to the moon?"

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