Halloween special pt2

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A/N: Heeeeeey guys. Im kinda late with this update huh? I was actually debating if I should have deleted the first part or not since it was taking me so long but I already wrote like 6 pages so I was like fuck it im gonna finish it. So I hope you are still in the Halloween mood.


"Bort why do you have ____ on your shoulder?”

"Their lazy ass didn't hurry up so I took matters into my hands"

"Hey! Thats rude!"

"Please put them down"


"Wai-" before you could say a word the teenager dropped you off his shoulder upside down onto the floor "ouch. . ." you whined rubbing your head as Dia reached out a hand to help you up. "Great, now that we're inside what do we do?" Antarc asked, placing his backpack on his shoulders. "Let's go on an adventure!" Phos cheered with a big smile.

"Not so fast you idiot. Let's first look for a place to camp for the night" Bort scolded him, crossing his arms and giving him a glare. Lapis nodded, fixing his hair "I agree with dear Bort. Ah, Lexi sweetie, do you happen to know the layout of the school right?" The boy with long light blue hair looked up from his device before nodding, eyes sparkling at the possibility of sharing his knowledge. "Of course yes!" clearing his throat he raised three fingers to the sky "This structure is divided into 3 floors. We are currently on the first floor. This is the layout I was able to find on the internet, but it may not be reliable." he took 3 maps out of his backpack and placed them on the ground.

"3 floors? I'd say in this case it's best to split up" spoke Ghost getting a 'Huh?!' indignant on Benito's part "H-Haven't you ever seen a h-horror movie?! Don't you know that the first rule if you don't want to die is to never separate?!" he stammers, hugging his arms around his body. "Ah! I knew I shouldn't have come. Wait a damn minute! Why did I come here in the first place?!” shouted the poor boy. With a chuckle you wrapped an arm around his shoulders bringing him into a semi-hug "Whatever your motivation might have been, it's now too late to turn back. You just have to survive 6 hours, no big deal right?"

Antarc sighed "I don't think it's a problem to separate, we're not in a horror movie" Lapis nodded "In any case three people per group are more than enough" You immediately felt an arm wrap around your neck and drag you away from Benito until your head collided with a chest. "Me, ____ and Antarc are already a team!" Phos announced, taking the white-haired boy's arm. Then you felt another arm wrap around yours and you caught a glimpse of light blue hair "And I'm coming with you. I'm sure that with your bad luck I'll be able to find something"

You deadpanned, sending him a subdle glare "What is that supposed to mean?"

Dia chuckled, taking Bort's arm who sighed, already tired of the evening "Bort and I are together, who wants to join?" Benito immediately ran towards them, hiding behind the angry boy. Like hell he would have stayed with Neptunite or Ghost. He was one hundred percent sure that those two would scare him until he had a heart attack. Like, if he wants to live another day he better stay with Bort or Antarc, the two most fearless people in the whole group.

"Only the three of us remain, what a nice little group we are" said Lapis amused. The two people who like to scare people the most and himself, it will be an interesting night. "Since the groups are in place, who explores what?" Benito asked from behind Bort. Before anyone could say a word, the peppermint boy snatched a map of the second floor before taking off running. “We're taking the second floor!”

"Wha-wait for me Phos!" You shouted chasing the boy, getting in response a 'WAIT' from Antarc who, as if a switch on the protectiveness had been flipped, bolted towards you two followed by Alex. The remaining boys looked at each other awkwardly until Bort aggressively grabbed a map and started walking towards the stairs. "We'll take the ground floor, you do whatever you want. Call us if you find anything interesting." Dia and Benito followed him closely.

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