Chapter 36

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A/N: since yall waited so much I gave you a little gift at the end of the chapter.


"Thank you so much for your time" the scientist, whose name you found out to be Barbata, pressed the red button on the control panel attached to the wall "Mh, sure don't worry" you replied watching the door in front of you open. With a nod Barbata indicated you to follow him as he entered the room, a small room full of strange contraptions. "What is that you wanted to talk?" you asked after a short pause, directing your eyes towards the Lunarian who seemed busy looking for something in a drawer.

Hearing the question he stopped before turning to you "Well here, you're the only one who hasn't had a check up yet since you came back from the raid. . .In fact you've never had a check up here on the moon and I wanted to see if there had been any changes since. . .I last saw you." Barbata explained with a bit of hesitation, you too could understand that this wasn't what he wanted to talk about but you let it go, if he was the one who saved you from certain death then you were grateful to him. Plus, as long as he wasn't the Prince you didn't mind having a chat with him.

"Yea I guess you are right. Do I have wear some ridiculous dress? Like those of the hospitals?" With a sweatdrop your expression grimaced. Oh god you really hoped not. Those damned clothes were practically made of paper, you can't imagine how uncomfortable they must be. With a chuckle Barbata shook his head making you let out a sigh of relief "No, no, don't worry the gems uniform you are wearing is more than enough. Rather I saw you wearing it most of the time, our fitters didn't make you any more typical clothes?"

Waving one hand in the air you sighed looking at the ceiling "No, no, they did it but I like some more... saturated colors instead of the usual pastel core that you have here on the moon. And then again, Red Beryl made this uniform, decorated especially for me so I'm fond of it" At your words Barbata chuckled again, starting to feel a little more at ease.

"Fair enough"

Plugging in a device and making sure it worked, the scientist patted down a bed similar to those in the hospital. "Everything is ready. Could you sit here?" With a nod you did what he asked. Swinging your dangling legs in a childish way you observed the machine, it was full of buttons and levers but the part that caught your attention was certainly the arm with a monitor at the end, attached to the tin box. "So what are you gonna do doc?" 

Picking up the machine monitor Barbata took your right hand and placed the monitor in front of it "I will simply check that your internal structure is in good quality. We Lunarians don't need certain checks so it might be a little rusty." looking at the screen you could see what looked like a white hand, much thinner and smaller than yours but when you lowered a finger and the white hand did the same you had no doubt that what you were seeing was Purple Diamond's body. Eww. . .kinda gross and creepy.

"Its like some kind of X-rays, isnt it?"

"Humans did use it, we took inspiration from that"

"Thats. . .actually cool and creepy at the same time"

Smiling at your words Barbata continued to move the monitor around your body, checking your legs, your torso and your head not finding anything out of the ordinary until he got to your back. His expression shifted from neutral to a troubled "What the hell happened here" you couldn't see it but your back was dotted with cracks and even some chipped parts. It looked like a spider's web. "Your back. . .Eck. . .what happened to it? What did you do to get it like this? You have a Diamond inside you"

Putting a hand to his forehead he surveyed the damage covering you. How the fuck is that possible? Maybe you weren't so durable as he first thought you were when he created you. Turning your head towards him you hummed trying to remember what could have happened "Oh! Maybe it happened when I fell off a vessel, huh... it happened a long time ago, definitely over 100 years ago but I remember that Sensei had said that my back looked like a minefield from how many bruises I had"

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