Chapter 17

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A/N: we are over with tha anime baby! From now on it will be only manga spoilers. If you want to start reading manga after watching the anime you can start from chapter 32


You ran at breakneck speed towards Rutile's laboratory, once you arrived on the threshold you collapsed against the door, catching your breath. "Is Phos okay?!" you asked looking up and freezing in place.


The gem in question raised his head in confusion, beside him Rutile was reassembling the fragments of another completely broken gem. The doctor leaned the librarian's head on the worktable with a blank look "Incredibly this time it wasn't our dear Phos that shattered but Ghost" at his words Phos whipped his head at you deadpanning "Did you think I was shattered?"

You sweatdropped looking away and coughed standing up straight "What are you saying? Of course not"

"You really thought that, didn't you?" 


"You did"

"I did not"

"You did"

"I could never my dear Phos"

"You suck at lying"

Ignoring his last words you walked to the side of the table where Ghost's pieces had been placed. "Why was Ghost on the battlefield? I didn't know he fight" Rutile took the arm of the black and white gem and applied some glue "He wanted to come and fight after he heard about the three sunspots" said Phos crossing his arms then he turned towards the doctor "Besides the fragments of Ghost are there any others?"

Rutile shook his head "No. Among those that we have gathered there aren't." at the news Phos's expression became disappointed, it seemed as if he had hoped for a different answer. You raised an eyebrow as you sat down in a chair near the table "Did anyone else shatter?" Immediately his face changed into a goofy expression and he crossed his arms as if to deny "Nope! Just my imagination. You know, just my silly hallucinations and everything" he chuckled nervously.

". . .changing the topic. Have you ever treated Sensei? he asked, sitting down on the parapet. Rutile's eyes widened and he tilted his head in surprise "There never was a need, was there?" you rested your head on your hand "Can Kongo even break in the first place? I mean, he's capable of destroying concrete without chipping." the memory of when during the winter you were in charge of the hibernation chamber, where you found Sensei or Bort wandering around, resurfaced in your mind and brought a slight smile to your lips.

"I don't think is possible. However I'm curious! Super curious!!"


"What did you expect from our dear quack doc?"

"____, do you want me to cut off your arm and examine it?"

"Did anyone ever tell you that, that yellow undertone really compliments your eyes?"

You stayed there for hours and hours, occasionally assisting Rutile when he got tired and finally, when evening came, Ghost was as good as new. "All finished" the doctor announced, suddenly waking up Phos who had fallen asleep. "Ghost! You gave me a heart attack. And to think I thought I only had to worry about Phos" you said hugging the gem sideways "Don't make me worry like that ever again, that's already the work of a certain peppermint gem"

"So you really thought I was shattered"

The black and white gem closed his eyes giving you a sorry smile "Sorry, I must have made you worry a lot. It wasn't my intention" then he turned to the peppermint gem and bowed his head "Thank you" Phos blinked and, thinking Ghost was thanking the doctor, directed his thanks to Rutile.

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