Chapter 34

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Coming out of the cave you were dazzled by the warm tones of dawn which painted the sky with red and orange shades. You were so focused on your problems that you hadn't even noticed the time passing. Technically you were supposed to go on a raid, not have tea with your so-called enemy. You just hoped no one got hurt.

Too much.

You immediately began to climb the promontory with the aim of reaching the school and then. . . And then you'll come up with something. That will be a problem of the future you. And as your hands gripped the rocks and your legs pushed you upward you couldn't help but replay the conversation that had just happened.

You are you. It doesn't matter where you come from, your past connections, or what you're made of. You were naive to give so much weight to Aechmea's words. A guy you've never seen before and who, above all, is ready to do anything to achieve his goal. But at the same time you can't deny how fucked up all this is and how much the idea of being a lab freak disgusts you.

But you can't do anything about it. You did not ask to be created this way. The only thing you can do is get back up, acknowledge what happened and move forward. At the end of the day you are still the same.

Your hand gripped the edge of the promontory and with one last effort you pulled yourself up.

You are

"_____. . ."

. . .Isnt that like the fourth time someone call your name with such surprised tone?

In front of you, reflecting the sunlight with his hair the same color as the dawn, stood Cinnabar. You couldn't even say you were surprised since this is technically his home, you just expected for some reason that he would be with the others defending the school from your raid.

His vermilion eyes clashed with yours as the mercury around him danced, continually changing shape. He looked different for some reason.

"Cinnabar. . .Ah! Cinnabar hi! Hi! How are you?" with a small jump you stood up offering the red gem an awkward smile. Man, why is it so strange to meet your friends after all this time? The gem remained still, letting the wind make his hair dance.

"You are back"

"Uh? Oh yea, yea, I uh, I had to ask something to Sensei" you shuffled with your feet, a bit awkward "Surprise? Yellow, Padpa and Phos are also here but erm... I think they're a bit busy at the moment." Cinnabar nodded hesitantly, continuing to observe you with his crystalline eyes "Did you manage to find the answers you were looking for on the moon?" he continued to ask.

"We can say that well. . .yes? More or less? Its kinda complicated but at least now I know a bit more" you chuckled awkwardly scratching your arm and looking away. Since when did it become so difficult to have a conversation with your friends?

"So you came back to stay?” expressed Cinnabar after a few seconds of hesitation "U-Uh?" you looked at him suddenly, perplexed. "The promise" he continued as if that word were to flip a switch in your mind and make you remember. "I. . .uhh. . ." you were breaking out in a cold sweat as you tried to figure out what he meant. A promise? Did you make a promise?

Seeing you in obvious difficulty Cinnabar tched crossing his arms "The promise you made to me before leaving. You would go to the moon to find out who you were and then return here to earth" he said narrowing his eyes as the mercury danced around him. When compared to the first time you had seen him it was clear that Cinnabar had significantly improved, both in terms of his mercury and his self-confidence.

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