Chapter 37

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Letting out a sigh you opened your eyes looking at the pitch black sky above you. Shifting you positioned yourself in a more comfortable position as if by finding a certain position the floor beneath you would transform into a comfortable duvet. At the thought of your bed you let out another sigh silently regretting your stupid idea of lying down on the floor for a second to catch your breath.

It should have only been 5 minutes then you would have gotten up and left with some excuse like for example that you had to water your dog or take the plants for a walk. But then Benito arrived with a devastated expression on the verge (if he could) of crying. At the sight of you he had immediately rushed towards your body before curling up next to you, quietly thanking the heavens that he had found someone.

For the entire night he had had to endure the Lunarians looking at him with great interest as they tried to touch him, attracted by his shiny color. So out of pity you had decided to stay there to console him for another five minutes.

But then Alex arrived and, noticing the position in which you two were, he too layed down next to you on his back looking at nothing. That's fine, another five minutes.

Then Dia came and immediately he too lay down next to you putting his head on your stomach. Oh fuck-THEN Amethyst also arrived following the example of all the gems and finally Goshe also decided to join the pile, not before snapping a picture. You were mushed between five gems and they seemed to have no desire to get up for the next 24 hours. You had a feeling it's going to be a lot more than five minutes.

You were surprised that Phos hadn't come to join too, you were, after all, his personal plushie as he likes to say. Who knows where he ended up, the party was now over and many of the Lunarians had already left so it shouldn't have been difficult to look for the blue head. Maybe he's already gone to sleep or who knows what.

The sound of footsteps caught your attention making you crane your neck to see who was coming. Maybe it was Phos? But the cream colored jacket immediately cleared away all your doubts. With a fancy glass of red wine Barbata's face entered your vision, his face was tired and looked ready to go into hibernation if those dark circles meant anything.

"____ you should go to sleep. Tomorrow you have the operation" he told you before taking a sip. Completely tired as well, you raised an arm in the sky before pointing around you. "I don't know if you've noticed but I'm slightly surrounded by sleeping gems. I would love to be able to go and throw myself under the covers of my warm bed but alas someone is preventing my escape" you said dramatically placing the back of your hand on your forehead.

With a chuckle Barbata took a sip from his wine glass before putting it down a nearby table and reached out his hand towards yours "It must be uncomfortable here, I'll make sure your friends are taken to their respective rooms." you nodded feeling another shock of pain from lying on the floor for so long. The city's surface may have been made of strange oils, extremely disgusting, but it certainly wasn't feather-soft. Tapping Dia's head that was above your stomach the multi colored gem groaned before tightening his grip on you not wanting to wake up. On the third tap, however, his crystalline eyes began to open.

"Time to go to sleep in your own room" you patted his head before trying to wake up the others, the diamond soon following you. Once everyone woke up you all said goodbye but not before asking a question that had been plaguing your mind since before "Does anyone know where Phos?"

The confused and bewildered faces of the gems were a rather clear response.


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