Chapter 39

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"So what now?"

Your eyes followed the movement of the alcohol being stirred in the glass by the circular swing of a pale hand. You watched as the glass was brought up to your lips and the liquid wet them before being placed on top of the table in the center of your little circle. A suffocating silence enveloped the room, no one dared to answer that question. No one really knew the answer. You hadn't felt a tension in the air like that since that time you spoke to Aechmea about well. . . that thing.

You subtle whinced at the memory. Two hundred years and it still bothers you. Two hundred years and the only one who knows about your condition is Padpa. Two hundred years have passed and you planned for it to never come out. After all, the situation is much, much too tense. Who cares about your little ick.

Slumping fowards you sighed resting your arms on your legs as you let your head fall foward, your hair covering your tired face "I dont know" you said, putting your hands together and fiddling with your thumbs. "I really don't know" Diamond looked at everyone in the room with a worried and melancholy look, anxiously he began to twirl an ornament of his choker between his fingers "Was that... really Phos?" he tried to ask, bitterly remembering what happened a few weeks ago.

Again no one dared to answer. Some of the gems were too scared to even say his name while others were confused and worried. Raising your head you let out a big sigh closing your eyes, you could already feel a headache forming from the past few sleepless nights. “That...that wasn't Phos” the words felt heavy on your tongue and you hated every single letter that fell from your lips “It's simply not possible. That look, that voice, that behavior. . .are not typical of Phos" guiding your gaze towards the prince you slightly narrowed your eyes "Was this what you were hoping to achieve Prince Aechmea?"

If the passive aggressive comment bothered him, the prince didn't show it, opting to take another sip from his glass. At his side Cairn scolded him about his bad habit of drinking too much alcohol. "Not at all my dear" Oh so your little comment got under his skin it seems. But you couldn't find the strength to smirk, too tired from everything. "Are we gonna simply wait for him to wake up?" Alex asked and for the first time a question was answered "For the moment we can't do anything else can we?" Cairn said crossing his arms "I'm curious to know what happened to reduce him to this state"

Amethyst nodded "Me too, I would also like to know how the other gems are doing. . .if there are any new additions. . ." the purple gem bashfully admitted with a weak smile. "To check their artillery status? It's been a long time since I sent a troop to check" Aechmea replied calmly getting a sweatdrop from the scientist gem "Ah. . .not in that sense your Highness. . ."

"Speaking of the gems of the earth" at your words everyone turned towards you "Would we ever try to I don't know... reach a peaceful agreement?" you proposed waving your hand in the air while resting your head on the other. "With the gems that arrived on the moon it seems to me that everything went well, right?" Everyone shared a collective glance hesitant to say anything. "You really want to go back there after what they have done to Phos?" Benito asked clearly troubled by the thought of becoming something like the ex peppermint gem.

"So we are just gonna mind our business for the eternity and never talk to them again?"

No one dared to speak.

"Excuse me!" A distressed voice gained all of your attention as a Lunarian woman suddenly run towards your little group, her scared and worried expression was the first thing that you noticed. "We were restorin-" before the words could escape her white lips something thin and sharp cut her head clean off. Immediately the room filled with gasp as you and a couple of others suddenly stoond up placing you in a defensive position as you watched the Lunarian's body fall to its knees before dissolving.

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