Chapter 28

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"I'm going to the moon"

Hm, yep. You didn't hear wrong.

"To uncover Sensei's secret, recover Antarc, and end this conflict once and for all."

You looked into his eyes with a still sleepy expression, what he was saying to you seemed like nonsense said in a moment of delirium. Go to the moon? And how? With a fucking rocket? Yes of course, impossible. Does he want to use the Lunarians vessel?! As if he wouldn't be torn apart by them the moment he set foot into their vessel. So you answered him with the only thing that came to mind.

". . .Nu-huh"

"Thanks ____ I knew you'd unde-wait, what do you mean with nu-huh!?"

"You are not going"

"Huh?! Y-yes that im going!"

"No you are not"

"Yes I am"

"No you are not"

"Yes I am"

Tired of this back and forth you took Phos' wrist dragging him onto the bed and placing him on your side, then with a pat on his head you said "Come on, sleep. That new head of yours is making you have weird ideas. Even stupid for that matter" after that there was silence, thinking that you had managed to convince him that that was a bad idea you closed your eyes.

"I still have to go to the moon"

Son of a bitc-

"You can not be serious"

You turned to him with a clearly annoyed expression "Do you know how many are the chances of success? Maximum 10%" you said and he hummed "Actually according to my calculations they are 5%"


"To find out Sensei's secret and bring everyone back?"

"Ugh! Have you by chance got the imprudence of Lapis instead of his intelligence?" You paused before continuing, your tone more serious and less annoyed "I don't want to lose you too" Phos didn't say anything but he was obviously surprised by those words, is it possible that you care about him so much even after all these years? "You've already lost your legs, arms and head. Only the torso is left of the original you. I don't want to lose you forever"

Again the blue gem was silent for a few seconds, reflecting on something not very specific. "You are so nice to me" he said suddenly making you confused, looking at him you raised eyebrow "What do you mean by that? Obviously I care about you like I care about everyone else. Heck, you're my best friend. Why shouldn't I be nice to you?"

"I don't know" the blue gem answered sincerely "And I bet you care about Antarc too, right?" again you looked at him with a confused look "Of course. I care about all of you" satisfied with your answer Phos nodded looking at the ceiling with a determined look "Then I'll go to the moon and bring him back. I'll also bring back Morga and Goshe and my original pieces so everything will be back to how it used to be"

With a defeated sigh you ruffled your hair, there was no convincing him, was there? "How are you going to go there" you asked closing your eyes "When a vessel arrives Cairn and I will pretend to fight each other and Cairn will destroy my abdomen. Obviously he won't do it in order to really destroy it but enough to deceive the Lunarians who, thinking they have captured me, will take me to the moon" he explained.

Christ if there were so many things that could go wrong with that plan but you said nothing "Is there anything I have to do?" Phos shook his head "It's better if it's just the two of us. We'd attract less attention and suspicions that way. You should stay here and make sure no one comes to the place I will be 'taken'"

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