Chapter 22

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Finally it seemed that the snow had decided to fall and cover the entire island with a white mantle, thus allowing all the gems a little rest. It had been a difficult and tiring year, full of twists more ugly than beautiful, who knows if this was just an isolated case or if it is the spark that will set off a chain reaction. At the moment it is too early to know.

"Good morning” a gem said as he entered the office of his dear Sensei getting into position. At the voice of his dear gem, Kongo turned around meeting his eyes "Morning, Cairngorm" the gem played a bit with his new uniform, white as winter but not as comfortable. "How are you feeling?" asked Kongo "It's the first time I've been awake during the winter. I already feel the tiredness of my missed sleep." the gem immediately replied. The older gem hummed at his response "I understand, it is definitely one of the most demanding tasks for a gem. I'm also sorry that you have to wear the old uniform of Antarc. Red Beryl didn't have time to sew you a new one" Cairn blushed embarrassed by his Sensei's concern "Don't worry sir. It's just a little wider on me but it's better than nothing. After all, black is more noticeable in the white snow"

Cairn looked around confused by the absence of a person "____ hasn't arrived yet? Are they still sleeping?" Kongo sighed shaking his head "They are still inside their room. They haven't come out of there since Phosphophyllite lost his head. Apparently they fell into a depressive state" The white gem nodded deciding not to comment "Then I think I'll start with my work. With permission"

Kongo nodded his head letting go his beloved gem who without wasting a minute left the school holding his new sword "How did that idiot say it was done? I have to make holes in the ice and then-" his sentence was cut short when something cold struck the back of his neck "What the heck-?"

"Oi! Where do you think you're going?!"

When he turned around in confusion he was greeted by another snowball that hit his face. "Why didn't you wait for me? You know I have shitty stamina" you finally managed to reach him after trying to get his attention with snowballs, nevermind the fact that you missed your target eight times before hitting him. "___? What are you doing here?" asked Cairn raising an eyebrow.

"Eh? Isn't that obvious? I have to take care of the winter. I thought we already agreed on that, didn't we?" you replied blinking in confusion. The gem shook his head bringing his hand in front of him as if to stop you "I thought you still felt too bad to come to work"

Having figured out what he meant you left a long 'Ahhhhhhh' pounding a fist on the palm of your hand "You mean that? I'm done mopping around, the world sure doesn't stop for me. And then again I would have felt even worse at the idea of leaving you all alone and confused about the various jobs that have to be done"

"Still, I wouldn't want to see you becoming a copy of that idiot. Holds everything inside and then explode"

You adjusted your coat and scarf put on in a hurry deciding to change the subject "I see you've decided to start by destroying the ice floes" you started walking in the deep snow guiding Cairn towards where the sea would be. The gem sighed before starting to follow you "Obviously no? What other jobs should we do otherwise?"

"Ah, blissful ignorance. You have no idea how much work there is to do"


"Come on! Come on! That the sun eats the hours"

After about half an hour you arrived at the huge expanse of ice that the ocean had become. It hadn't changed a bit from how you remembered it from last winter. Glaciers reminiscent of the Lunarians loomed for miles and miles and although the ocean had recently frozen, ice floes had already formed and collided with each other.  "See those over there? Those are the ice floes, when they collide they create an absurd racket-"

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