Chapter 12

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Immediately you stood up sprinting towards the door to see what was going on and nearly collided with Phos and Bort who were coming the other way. "Woah!" the golden-armed gem managed to catch you by the shoulders and prevent you from falling "Alex! ___!" Bort said stopping at the entrance. A suffocating  aura appeared behind you, and when you turned around you saw the light blue gem wearing a scary expression on his face. "What was that. . .! I want it alive. . .!" he said as his hands twitched with excitement. Slowly you approached Phos, frightened by the behavior of the gem.

​​​'What the heck is that expression!?'

"You saw it didn't you!?" shouted Bort "Stop getting excited you Lunarians maniac!" then he turned to you with a serious face "Where did it go?" you immediately pointed the direction to where that colossus was chasing Dia "He went to the fourth floor" the black gem tched "Phos, grab Alex and ___ and stealthily search the whole school if anyone is still inside. If that's the case, take him with you." he ordered preparing to go out the window.

"What about you?!"

"I will search for it outside"

But before he could take another step you grabbed him by the wrist. The black gem turned your way confused and annoyed, he could not waste time "DIA! That thing was chasing him! It was part of your plan right?"

But from the look of surprise on his face, it didn't seem like it was part of his plan.



You took your crossbow, arrows and together with Phos and Alex you started to search the whole school. "Please tell me something like this has happened before" you said checking the various bedrooms in the school. Luckily since everyone was out on patrol there was hardly anyone left. Phos came out from Sphene's room shrugging his shoulders "If I tell you that I don't know would that make you feel better?"


Alex stopped taking a breath "I've never seen anything like this... I want, no, I have to examine it!" immediately his hands started twitching again.


You arrived in the Obsidian's workshop and found the entire room destroyed. It looked like a hurricane had passed, not to mention how foggy it was. "Phos, exactly how did it appear . .whatever that was?" behind you Alex nodded strongly interested in the question. The peppermint gem watched the room sweatdropping "Ah . .I was on patrol with Bort and it kinda. . .appeared" he said vaguely and seeing that no one was here he signaled to continue.

On your way you passed the library and stopped short causing the other two gems to turn around in confusion. "Ghost. He's the keeper of the library. We have to warn him," you said as you opened the doors to find the entire library empty. "Huh?" Phos observed the room from behind your back "It seems that Ghost went on patrol too"

"All the better, it seems like there's no one else left. Let's go see if Bort needs any help"

Suddenly something cut across your path, colliding with a pillar. It was similar in appearance to the creature that was chasing Dia but it was much smaller in size. The creature rose from the pillar turning its head towards you. Holy shit if it looked like something out of your worst nightmares. With those two eyes that covered his entire face and those arms that were far too large in number.

"Phos you didn't tell us there were more!"

The creature at the sight of the gems charged and jumped on them. Phos stood in front of you and Alex shielding you with his alloy. From the impact you and the light blue gem fell backwards as the golden-armed gem tried to hold the being. Phos struggled at the Lunarian's monstrous force as it was an inch away from grabbing his face and slamming it into dust.

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