Chapter 18

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"Ghost! Phos!"

The two gems in question paused at the mention of their names turning around towards the source. You reached them stopping one meter away "Here you are. Ghost, I hadn't found you in the library nor in Rutile's laboratory. I was worried"  the gem put his scythe on the ground leaning on it and smiling tilted his head to the side "Sorry. I forgot to tell you that from now on I will be paired with Phos"

You gasped placing a hand on your heart and sent a glare to Phos "Not only I thought I was your partner but now you steal my colleague too? I'm disappointed Phosphophyllite" The poor peppermint gem waved his hands trying to explain himself without making the situation worse. "It wasn't my idea! Ghost offered," he said pointing to the gem by his side. 

You gasped again this time sending an incredulous glance towards the quartz "Not you too Ghost!" The gem laughed shaking his head "And now who will keep me company in the library?" Traitors. After everything you had been through together. You thought you had a closer relationship with the two gems but apparently it was just an illusion. 

Turning your back to them you wiped your non-existent tears "I understand. That means that I'll go to the diamonds. At least they appreciate me more" Phos tried to stop you but was beaten by Ghost who took you by the hand "Sorry" he sent you a sad smile "It seems that I only combine disasters" 

You furrowed your eyebrow and immediately, fearing that your dramatic scene was being taken seriously, corrected yourself "Ah, no, no. I was just kidding. Really. I'm not mad at you or Phos" you gave a thumbs up to the golden-armed gem who sweatdropped smiling at your behavior "Its just my dramatic little self being an idiot" 

Ghost's sad smile turned into a relieved one "I'm glad to hear that." Phos nodded placing a hand on his hip "Are you busy now?" he asked and you shook your head "Nope. I already did everything there was to do in the library." The quartz stopped in place looking at the floor before addressing you "Hey, me and Cairn were thinking if you would like to join us and Phos?" 

You and Phos tilted your heads to the side at the same time making the same silly confused expression. It was almost comical how perfect timing you had. The crystal inside the quartz couldn't help but think how idiotic you two looked which Ghost found himself disagreeing with. In his eyes the sight was so cute. "Are you sure? Aren't teams of 3 not recommended?" You asked, not wanting to make Kongo angry by mistake. You still remember when he scolded Phos after he lost his legs. The floor had SHAKED. 

"I don't think that's a problem. At best, little me and I will talk to him." Having received the words of reassurance from the black and white gems you shuddered your shoulders adjusting the crossbow on your back. "Alright then. I will trust you" 

Phos began to lead the group towards a forest of dry trees. You don't think you've ever seen them with leaves, are they dead trees? What a shame, you could have taken some and planted them around the school. It would be nice to create a small garden near the whole building. It would bring a little more color to the usual wasteland full of green grass. As you surveyed the landscape around you, wondering the weirdest things, the two gems in front of you were discussing something. Lapis perhaps? 

Ghost had told you a lot about Lapis, he always had a new compliment on the blue gem. He spoke so highly of him that you were a little envious you never met him. It was clear how important Lapis had been to both the quartz and the crystal within it. During your walk he stopped suddenly pointing his scythe towards the sky.


Looking up you gasped at the sight of the biggest sunspot you've ever seen. Ghost narrowed his eyes "We have to call Sensei" Phos stopped him stepping forward and extending his golden arm "Wait. Before we fight I want to approach them. I want to use that opportunity to learn about how Lunarians communicate."

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