Chapter 21

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A/N Fucking Christ I only now realized that some chapters were missing fucking parts. What an embarrassment god! Please excuse me for this incident, if you want to go re-read them to get the full version the chapters are 13-14-15 and The special.

As an apology, I decided to publish this chapter early. Sorry again.

TW: mention of panic attack. If you are easily susceptible please skip the paragraph with the description of it.


'I am dead.'

There were so many moments in your life when you thought you were going to die, when you slipped on the ice every time in the winter, when you had to clear the snow off the roof of the school, when Shiro disarmed you and held you upside down or when Bort decided to almost kill you to teach you a life lesson. Yet in all those situations it had been more of a silly thought, you didn't really believe it.

But now, with an arrow inches from your face, it didn't seem so much far from reality. 'I can neither dodge nor try to block it with my sword!' You could feel your heart racing as you watched the Lunarian's fingers release the arrow.


But before the arrow could even graze you, someone pushed you away, knocking you off the vessel with him. The push was so strong that you fell off the side of the ship, the gem tried to take hold of your arm to cushion your fall somehow but failing in any way. You let out a surprised gasp as you felt the cold air crash into you before you felt it, the impact.


You winched in pain taking a few strained breaths, quickly putting yourself in a fetal position. At first you didn't feel any pain at all before slowly feeling every single part of your body go up in flames. Everything hurted so bad while you could feel a panic attack coming over you quickly and the fact that you were struggling to breathe didn't help at all. Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god. You wanted to scream so much in pain yet no matter how hard you tried you couldn't get any sound out.

'I can't breathe, I can't breathe, I can't breathe'

A few meters from you, you could see the mangled body of Cairn, both of his arms were severed as was his right leg, part of his head was broken off and it was laying a few feet away from him. He was the one who saved you in extremis, fuck. Now you wanted to cry even more. You tried calling his name but as before no sound came out of your mouth, the fall must have damaged something inside you, most likely your lungs as it hurts to breathe.

Then you tried reaching out to him only to notice with horror that you couldn't move your arm, you couldn't move any muscle in your body for that matter. Incredibly you didn't have anything broken, this vessel was unusually much more lower than the others, yet it was as if there were weights anchoring you to the ground not allowing you to move. It felt like you were in sleep paralysis.

It might be an actual one.

Another cry of pain drew your attention to the sunspot. The instant you looked, Sphene and Peridot were pierced in the stomach by an arrow. At the sight you felt your heart sink.

You were a fool, you were nothing but an idiot. How did you even think the same thing like the other times would have happened? You had no guarantee that the Lunarians would freeze like they did in the previous two encounters. With your baseless plan, you put everyone at risk and ended up hurting Cairn who sacrificed himself to save you. Since when do you launch into plans made on the spot? It's not like you.

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