Chapter 41

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Looking at the red and burgundy fragments that covered the floor you slowly let go of the black gloved hand which fell to the ground motionless. The lower part of the former doctor slumped forward above the sleeping gem's torso. Behind you the soldiers raised their bows ready to release their arrows towards Padparadscha but with a wave of your hand they stopped "No use. This gem cannot awaken" nodding at your command the Lunarians lowered their bows and moved away leaving pass some of their peers who were carrying large bowls in their hands.

Crouching low, the Lunarians began to lay down the colorful gem fragments. You raised an eyebrow raising slowly on your feet "What are you thinking of doing" your question may have come off as almost accusatory but that didn't stop the Lunarians from their apparent mission. They pick a fragment and they put it inside the bowl before passing to another one. "Hey!" Why are tgey doing that? Is it possible that in tge end it was all an elaborate plan to finally get all the gems? Maybe they had lied from the beginning and their goal was not to go into nothingness but to kidnap all the gems and dust them on the moon?! What nonsense!

A pale hand landed on your shoulder, catching your attention, causing you to quickly turn around. The calm, almost joyful, face of a soldier entered your vision "No need to worry Great ____. Under the direct order of the prince and princess we are required to recover all the pieces of the gems and take them to the moon to be rebuild. No more harm than what they had ensured will be brought to them"

His words did little to reassure you but when you think about it maybe it was for the best. The faster they are rebuilt the better you guess. Nodding you began to walk towards where you had seen Phos disappear "Treat them with the most care alright?" you didn't wait for an answer continuing on your way.

It wasn't long before you found Phos' next victim, or rather victims. Jade's tortured torso was found against a pillar and not far from him another body was lying on the ground. His scythe kept him anchored to the ground, preventing any kind of movement. His beautiful black and white color reflected the metal of the blade.

Ghost Quartz.

Someone was missing from the massacre of Alexandrite now that you thought about it.

As you approached Jade you touched his exposed part saying a silent sorry for how things turned up. Before you could continue your pursuit towards the crazy gem a sudden thund stopped you on your track. Then there was another thud and then a scratch like metal being scraped against the floor. Turning suddenly your eyes widened. The black and white gem was in front of you. His body was bent forward, his legs bent slightly under the weight of his body. The blade of his scythe penetrated his abdomen and seemed well firm in it, crack covered his whole body and some of his parts where chipped away. 

Holy shit someone survived that insane gem that was Phos.


Walking and walking and walking. Phos had nothing in mind other than his goal. Walking and walking and walking. He was close, he could feel it. There was no one else to stop him. Yet a question continued buzzing in his head. That damn sentence that Jade said before losing conscience. That word.


Understand? Understand what? There was nothing to understand. No one to understand. And anyway it was too late now, there was no more time to understand  anymore.

Walking and walking and walking his steps led the gem towards the corridor that would lead to Adamnt. However, the closer he got, the more a shape that didn't resemble Adamant loomed in his path. What a drag. There is yet another gem that dares to block his advance. Isn't it clear by now that they can no longer do anything against him?

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