Chapter 29

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Early chapter because we arriving and juicy part and I'm an impatient person.


With a yawn you turned the page of the book, bringing it in front of your eyes to block the harsh light of the sun. The blades of grass covering the entire valley buckled under your weight. Your eyes were focused on the words as you enjoyed the wind passing through your hair. Since Phos was captured, the Lunarians never showed up causing the gems to let their guard down a bit though they still remained suspicious. A sunspost used to appear at least once or twice a week but now it's been almost 50 days and they haven't shown up.

Either they're cooking up something big or Phos has managed to talk them into it, if they haven't already turned him into a jewel.

Shaking your head to clear that mental image you return to read again when you heard a cry in the distance, it seemed to be Melon and Hemi. Raising the book from in front of your eyes allowed you to notice an inverted sunspot in the distance. You speak of the devil and horns sprout. You've never seen one look like this.

Immediately you ran towards them spotting also Benito and Neptunite shouting something and pointing towards the Lunarias who seemed to be lifting something from the sea. At first you didn't recognize the humanoid figure due to his strange attire but upon close inspection you were in no doubt. That damn gem was your best friend.


Hearing his name caught the gem's attention as he moved his eyes towards your approaching figure. With a slight smile he mouthed 'I told you I would be back' making you sweatdropped. Back? Motherfucker, they are kidnapping you again! Come back this fuck!

You ran towards the Lunarians with your sword drawn, man, if only you still had your crossbow. You hadn't used it in so long you never carried it around. Just when you needed it most! "_____! There is a huge one! Be careful!" Benito tried to warn you "Distract him!" you shouted getting as close as possible before throwing your sword at the tallest lunarian's head to break the chain.

However the beast Lunarian managed to get off the gems and block your blow using his hand as a shield, ending up stabbing it. The colossus stood in front of you blocking your way, it stood still looking at you, slowly removing your sword from its hand. Bort took advantage of the distraction you caused appearing out of nowhere and dashing between the beast's legs towards Phos.

Noticing this the colossus let go of your sword and grabbed Bort's hair stopping his run suddenly. You leapt to your sword securing it in your hands before cutting off the arm that was grabbing Bort's hair, freeing the diamond that fell to the ground. "Bo-" The colossus grabbed your arm with his remaining hand but before he could do anything Sensei arrived just in time and disintegrated both colossus and vessel dropping Phos into the sea.

You helped Bort up by making sure nothing happened to him before turning your attention to Phos. The blue gem stood up, slowly walking towards his Sensei who dropped to his knees, glad that someone he cared about was back. Phos. . .he was so different from the last time you saw him. Definitely. What were those clothes!? And are you wrong or did he have a white eye?! The gem looked up from Kongo and made eye contact with you sending you a simple smile as the wind ruffled his blue hair.

"I'm back"


Cairn was sleeping peacefully in his bed, finally enjoying his well deserved hibernation. Between Phos's awakening, his capture, and Ghost's awakening it really seemed like he couldn't find some peace. Bha, he made it clear how he wanted no one to wake him up until next winter or they would be faceless so he was pretty sure he will sleep uninterrupted.

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