Halloween special pt1

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20/10 A/N: Soooooooo. I'm going through an incredible write block and I know that if I force myself to write I might rush things or do them badly and I don't really like the idea. I know the recent chapters are boring but the entire arc is full of long dialogues and delicate moments. So for both your sake and mine there will be some chapters that will be more lighthearted also to lift a little the sour mood that this and the next arc will bring.

Also small note. As far as planning the story is concerned, we are unfortunately almost at the end. Only the invasion arc and what will happen next  (no spoilers) is missing and the manga is also about to end. Ichikawa said that she will finish it at chapter 108 and this month the 105 comes out. That said, I would like to see how she decides to finish the manga so I can organize an ending that makes sense. So after the invasion arc the updates might get a big hiatus (assuming I get to that part and the manga isn't finished yet.)



Human AU

"So guys. What do you want to do on Halloween?"

A boy with vivid peppermint hair kicked his legs bored while his gaze was lost into the grey sky. A person behind him placed their hands on his back and, with a push, sent the boy forward, making him oscillate on the swing. "Is it almost Halloween already? I don't think I have seen a lot of scary decorations on the houses" the teenager behind him exclaimed looking around as if to make sure they hadn't missed something. "It's October 30th ____. We also had a test today, didn't you write down the date?" a boy sitting on the swing next to them exclaimed, his cold eyes turned towards his interlocutor as he waited for a response.

You rolled your eyes, giving your friend another push. "As long as my name is on it, I don't think it's necessary to write the date." Antarc deadpanned before sighing and turning to the rest of the gang to see what ideas they had. "We could watch a film like the other years" suggested a boy with blond bob hair, leaning on the stairs of the slide. "Don't you dare suggest our house again Yellow! Last year they trashed it all. Me, you and Dia had to clean it all the next day" snarled a boy with long raven hair pointing at his older brother with his freshly done black nails.

"Come on Bort, it was worth it. We all had fun, didn't we?" spoke a boy with multicolored hair as he watched his younger brother from atop the monkey bars, his legs dangling. "Speak for yourself living pastel" grumbled they angry teenager. "Dont bully Dia! You mean goth!" You and Phos exclaimed at the same time with the 'goth' part added on your part. Huffing, Bort rolled his eyes, deciding he was too tired to teach you a lesson and just ignored you two.

"Ugh though. This is the third year we've spent Halloween watching a movie! I want to do something more fun! Like trick or treat!" whined Phos getting an annoying sigh from a boy with long red hair. He was covered from head to toe with warm item cloths and wore a mask so he wouldn't risk getting sick, or even worse, his illness getting worse. "How old are you Phos? Apart from you, no one here is a little brat anymore. If we went trick or treat the only thing we would get is a call to the police at best and an angry old man at worst"

His exclamation earned a few chuckles from Bort and another white-haired boy while Phos glared at the sick boy but before he could say anything he was interrupted "Even though I don't know what to propose, I agree with Phos. I'd like to do something new too" said a boy with long black and white hair placing his book on his lap. The boy next to him who he was reading the book with nodded, moving his long blue hair. "The horror films I like are a little too much for some of the others. Little dears, last year they were a scared mess just with Nightmare before Christmas"

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