Chapter 6

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"It's not here, not even here. Oh here"

Working for Ghost was really a piece of cake. It was nothing complicated and left you plenty of time to make conversation with the gem. You told him the ways humans lived while he told you stories concerning Lapis and him. How the blue gem had the habit to move his long hair away from his face or how Ghost found him most of the time asleep in the library. You could tell just by the way his eyes gleamed that they were extremely close. Cairngorms never showed up again which made you a bit sad, you were curious what it felt like to be inside another person, or gem in this case.

You were pretty much done with everything so you gave yourself the freedom to do some research. There was nothing about Mercury that you didn't already know so you opted to look for some information about Lunarias. Every time you saw them you felt like you knew them somewhere. Their elegant looks could refer to a religion, yet you couldn't remember which one. Not to mention why they decide to capture the gems and take them to the moon. Was it really because they turned them into jewels? Or was there a darker reason?

"Did you finish section G?" Ghost's voice made you flinch and close the book you were reading abruptly. "Oh? Did I scare you?" how is he so silent? Sometimes it reminds you of Neptunite. "Yes and yes. Only that once I finished, this book attracted my attention and I couldn't help but take a look at it" the gem approached looking at the cover "Are you perhaps interested in the Lunarians?"

"Kinda yea"

"In the library you will find very little about them. It's Alex who has all the material. He's a lunarian fanatic." Oh yea, Yellow had mentioned him too. You put the book back "Great, as soon as I have time I'll talk to him. Is there anything else to do?" Ghost shook his head smiling "You can take the rest of the day off. Only section C is left. Me and Cairngorms will take care of it."

"Really? Sweet thank you Ghost! See you around then. You too Cairngorms"

"Bye bye"

Leaving the library you looked at the sun outside, it seemed to be just after noon. You had enough time to visit a certain gem, but you had to stop by the blacksmith first.


These were Cinnabar's favorite days. Sunny days, with the wind moving the blades of grass and the waves crashing against the rocks. It was days like this that the gem cherished. They made his little cave more alive and the gem not so lonely. Maybe he should take advantage of this moment and go for a walk, clear his head and move around a bit. Or maybe not. He was fine even in his little bubble. Less chance of encountering distractions and gems that only brought trouble. And humans. A frown appeared on his pale face. Great, now his day is now ruined. Why did he have to think about them? Stupid them and stupid him to believe it. Every time someone tried to help him promptly failed. This time will be no different.

The gem rested his head on his knees as the mercury settled at his feet. What is it that the Sense always says? Don't focus on the bad things but on what's around. Like the blowing of the wind, the waves, the warmth of the sun, someone's panting.

Yea much better.

. . .Wait someone's panting?- "There you are!" someone called the gem who jerked his head up and turned it towards the entrance. "Wha-" what were you doing here? He wanted to ask but nothing came out of his astonishment. You set a large object on the ground before falling backwards to catch your breath. "Damn. I didn't think it was that heavy. I need to start working out seriously," you panted. Cinnabar was silent as he watched you regain strength. "What the hell are you doing here?" he huffed standing up and approaching you.

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