Chapter 9

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A/N: I apologize in advance if the characters are a bit ooc. I tried to keep them as canon as possible.


"Ugh. I think I'm dying"

"Oh don't be dramatic"

Hours, it were hours that you did nothing but shovel snow around the school perimeters, it was fun at the start but with the cold and the lack of warm light it quickly become difficult to resist the urge to just wrap yourself in a burrito of warm blankets and just lay in front of the stove. When you finished the sun was setting on the horizon painting the snow with warm tones. "I don't feel my legs anymore" whined Phos lying on the floor beside you. "Come on get up we still have a lot to do" Antarct exclaimed sweeping the floor of the library with a broom. You groaned rolling to the feet of the white gem and pointed your finger at him as he watched your figure melt with the floor "You're a damn workaholic!!" He deadpanned sighing, he crouched on the ground patting awkwardly your shoulder "We have just one more job for the day" as if by magic your strength returned and you jumped up startling Antarc. "And the we can go sleep?"

"And then you can go to sleep"

At the proposal of the comfortable warm bed you gathered the last remaining energies "Lets go then!" you approached Phos who raised his arms to the sky "Ugh. Leave me here. It's over for me. The forces of sleep are calling me." he exclaimed turning on his stomach "They're to strong. . .Goodbye soldiers. . ." having said that he stopped moving. You looked at Antarc who sighed "Let him be. When he's sleepy there's no way to wake him up. He can rival even the Sensei." he pulled a blanket out of nowhere and placed it over the sleeping gem. "Now come on. Lets finish, you must be tired too" You followed the white gem to the hibernation chamber. He stopped in front of the doors and turned with a serious look "The most dangerous place in our patrols of the school is the room where everyone hibernate" and before you could say anything he opened the doors. You prepared for the worst, hiding behind Antarc but the only thing that welcomed you were the gems, slouched in their beds.

"They are all terrifyingly sloopy sleeper. . ."

From the pile of pillows a black figure stood up "Bort?" you said confused. Oh no, did you wake him up by any chance? But he said nothing and started pacing around the room. "Especially Bort" whispered Antarc "Who gets up and walks around when he is half asleep" you sweatdropped watching the black gem walking in circles dragging his long hair on the ground "What should we do in this case?" You whispered back at Antarct "At time like this" he tossed you a sheet that you grabbed, you looked at it confused before turning your gaze to the white gem "You have to throw a blanket over him"

You looked at Antarct like he was crazy "Do you want me to die!?" you whisperd-yelled waving your hand frantically "If he wakes up and see me I will be dead meat!"

"Dont worry he won't"

"How can you be so sure!?"

"Shouldn't the teammates divide the tasks? From what I wrote down, I cleaned the library which was your job so you have to do one of my job" he said showing you his diary. You looked at him in disbelief "How-I didn't think you were such a perfectionist"

"I take seriously my job"

You huffed taking the blanket and approaching Bort "Okay. But if Bort wakes up know that you will have a body on your conscience" once near the black gem you threw the white blanket over him and ran behind Antarct. "See? It was simple," he said turning to you with a deadpan. You craned your neck, noting that Bort was now sprawled on the floor under the white blankets. There was no sign that he would wake up anytime soon.

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