Chapter 8

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A/N: I don't remember exactly how long is the winter so I wrote what I remembered. Its probably bullshit but lets go with the flow I guess.


"Brrr, Am I wrong or the temperatures are dropping?"

You were helping Ghost sort out some books that Jade and Euclase had borrowed and couldn't help but feel a shiver run up your spine from time to time. Coincidentally when you looked out of the window you could see snowflakes falling. 'Snow. How beautiful' Now that you think about it, you don't even know what part of the year you were in, always if the seasons behave the same way you remembered or if there has been a radical climate change. By your side Ghost let out a yawn "Right, it's almost hibernation time"

"Time for hibernation?! What, Do you hibernate like bears all winter?" you said placing the books on the shelf, shivering from time to time. You have to ask Red Beryl to make you some warmer clothes. "You totally nailed it" he said with a smile. You furrowed your brows and gave him a confused look "As you've been told many time we gems feed on sunlight. But when winter comes the clouds darken the sky and we only have about 10 days of light so there is no point in staying up and we go to sleep all winter " he explained and you nodded, showing that you were listening. "It must be wonderful to sleep four months in a row" you said envying the gem by your side. What would you give to sleep in a soft bed, forgetting about your problems and worries. 

"Four months? Winter usually lasts a year" Ghost chuckled taking a broom and starting to clean the floor. You stood there letting his words sink in and then leave a long 'Ehhhh!?' "A year!? And what will I do for a year without you gems?! Do you even know how long a year is? No wait Yellow is practically three thousand years old, one will be like a day for you" you whined banging your head against a book. A year alone, in the cold and at the mercy of the Lunarians. What a joy. 

"You don't hibernate?" Ghost asked and you shook your head. "No way, a human can sleep at most 12 hours in a healthy way. If he sleeps more than 24 hours he can consider himself in a coma. I also risk dying of dehydration and starvation that way. Argh being a gem has so many more perks" Right, food. How are you going to get it now that all the meadows will be covered in snow. And the heat! You'll freeze to death if the temperatures drop any lower. Ghost said something to himself then turned to you "Cairngorm says to not worry. You won't be alone. After all, Antarct is defending the school during the winter"




You lifted your head from the books you were arranging when you heard Jade's voice calling to you. The green gem entered the library and greeted Ghost with a wave of his hand "Hello Ghost. Do you mind if I steal them for a second? Sensei wants to talk to them" the black and white gem shook his head "Don't worry." Jade then motioned you to follow him and you got up joining him. "I'm not in trouble am I?" you asked jokingly exiting the library "Unless your name is Phos you're fine" chuckled Jade guiding you towards Kongo's office. As you walked you could notice that the school was going through some changes as all the gems were busy doing something. Some were carrying stacks and stacks of pillows, some blankets, others were busy setting up the hibernation bed and Red Beryl was busy making clothes for each gem.

You arrived in front of the Kongo office and received permission to enter. Inside besides Sensei was Euclase and Obsidian. "Welcome," Kongo said. You and Jade waved back. "I'm happy to see you well" he continued and at that moment you shivered wrapping your arms around your body in search of warmth. "It's a little chilly." you admitted. Euclase walked over to you holding a blanket "Here, Sensei said it should help you maintain your original temperature" he wrapped the blanket around your body like a burrito and you sighed in pleasure "Much better. Thanks Euc"

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