Chapter 40

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You looked down at the mess that was your desk. Ink-filled pages piled on top of each other, creating a mountain of paper that threatened to fall at any moment. Most of them were wrinkled and torn with the words above them crossed out in a stark black line. Clearly their content had not satisfied you. It's a shame that there were too many mistreated and scribbled sheets of paper. They were easily the majority. So much wasted paper, so many thrown away ideas, so many conclusions that weren't right. 

Peridot would have strangled you at the sight of such waste. 


He'll have that chance soon anyway. 

Or will you be the one?

You didnt like the idea. No. You hated it. The mere thought of hurting any gem made your intestine twist in a painful way. Why were you only noticing this now? Why were you only just now noticing all these important little details? Hadn't the questions finally all been answered? 

No wait. You are getting sidetracked.

Papers. Yea.

Tapping the table with the pen between your fingers you reviewed all the options you had.  

1)Follow Phos' plan. Destroy everyone on earth and force Sensei to pray. 

Without thinking twice you drew a clear line with the pen, black ink split the words in two. You couldn't. This was not a solution. Not just because at this point you were becoming more and more convinced that it was physically and mentally impossible for you to hurt any gems but also because you were not sure it will work. Wasn't Sensei broken or something? What changes if you make him pray using force when he can't use his 'powers' in the first place. 

1)Follow Phos' plan. Destroy everyone on earth and force Sensei to pray. 

2) Talk to the earth gems and find a peaceful solution. 

It is not possible. Phos is too unstable, he would never let you do that 

2) Talk to the earth gems and find a peaceful solution. 

3) Find a solution with the moon scientists without having to commit genocide. 

It is not possible. Phos is too unstable, he would never let you do that 

3) Find a solution with the moon scientists without having to commit genocide.

4) Fix Sensei somehow. 

It is not possible. Phos is too unstable, he would never let you do that.

4) Fix Sensei somehow. 

5) Pray for the Lunarians 

6) Wait for intelligent alien lifeforms to arrive on earth and convince them to pray for the Lunarians. 

No ok, thats just plain dumb. And Phos is too unstable at the moment, he would never wait for that long. He has to satiate his urge for revenge somehow. 

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