Chapter 32

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"Alright this place might be a little big. . ." You twirled on yourself trying to find even just a point of reference that would help you understand where the hell you were. The situation wasn't the best, above all because you didn't even remember where you came from and you didn't want to stay another second alone and meet even just a Lunarian.

Walking backwards you couldn't help but marvel at the interior decorations. Damn, you have to admit they have taste. Continuing with your observation you did not notice a figure behind you who in turn was unaware of your presence making the collision inevitable. You and the figure let out a yelp as you lost your balance and fell backwards dragging the poor victim with you.

With a groan you sat rubbing your head "Ouch that hurts . .Alex?!" you shouted surprised noticing the blind gem below you "It's Lexi!" he shouted back instinctively before recognizing your voice. "____? What are you doing here?" Standing up and helping the light blue gem you huffed "I should ask you this question. Why aren't you with Benito? Isn't he your guide?"

Alex sighed adjusting his blindfold so he wouldn't accidentally take it off "Benito and I were trying to get back to our rooms but got a bit lost. He said I should stay here while he gets help but I have a feeling he's lost again so I've been looking for him." You sighed crossing your arms "Then I'm not the only one with this problem-" suddenly you felt your belly growl followed by a very strong pain in your stomach that made you double over.

Now that you think about it, you haven't eaten in almost two days. How did you survive until now?

"___! Are you fi-" Alex was quickly interrupted by three female-looking Lunarians who, appearing out of nowhere, massed around you "Great _____. Are you feeling sick?" asked one of the three Lunarians taking your hands in hers "We saw you double over. Did something happen?" asked another. "If we need help we can call the prince" announced the last one.

Both you and Alex stiffened, you because after all that had happened you still felt a bitter taste on your tongue at the mention of Aechmea and Alex because he still hadn't gotten used to, and trust, the Lunarians plus the fact that the three of them had appeared out of nowhere and surrounded you bothered him.

"Hey! Im fine! Im fine! Jeez. . .Only out of curiosity but where the fuck did you three come from?" you said definitely surprised and with an annoyed tone. This is the second time you've been literally jumped by some Lunarians and it was starting to get annoying. The Lunarian who looked older than the three, though honestly they all looked identical, sent you a big smile, all the while continuing to hold your hands.

You had noticed that Lunarians were very clingy by nature.

"Oh great _____! You don't have to worry about us! Our dear Prince has tasked us as your assistants and personal guards! Being a human here on the moon must not be easy! We are at your complete disposal!" She brought her face closer to yours making you move away as far as possible, sweatdropping. "Yes! Yes! Isnt our Prince so kind? The comfort of our guest is his top proprity!" another Lunarian exclaimed putting her hands on her cheeks "Right!? Right?! He is so kind and strong and beautiful!" finished the third.

Ok, you all are going quite sidetrack.

Staggering Alex managed to approach you and grab your arm so he was sure not to lose you and in case of need he could take off the blindfold. As he said before, he did NOT trust the Lunarians. "Thanks for your concern but ____ doesn't need guards. They are very capable." Alex said and you could feel his grip tightening around your arm.

You kinda forgot about his obsession with the Lunarians and his hatred he felt towards them for what they did to Chrisoberyl. You better get him out of here ASAP.

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