Chapter 25

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☆▪︎▪︎▪︎ 100 years after Phos's transplant  ▪︎▪︎▪︎☆

Zircon was starting to feel old. With the addition of two new gems he was now the fifth youngest yet he couldn't feel the maturity that came with getting older. Now there was nothing to joke about, he had to start setting a good example seriously as an older brother, but where to start? Maybe he could try to make a lower voice like Sensei's, or he could try to find a hobby (obsession) like his older brothers Peridot and Alexandrite.

He was determined to set a good example and make Yellow proud of his disciple. Maybe the first thing he can do is going to see if any of his juniors are in trouble. Great idea Zircon! And so our brave adventurer sets off in search of possible souls in need of help.

Phos was out of the question, unless the orange gem could do magic he had no idea how to wake up the peppermint gem. So he leaves in search of Morga, that poor gem is so shy that he will surely need an older brother to help him. Zircon found him pretty quickly, too bad the pink gem was already together with Yellow.

Saying hi to the yellow diamond Zircon continued the search finding Goshe training with Bort. Our brave warrior would have joined them as well, he just didn't feel like being used by the black diamond as an example only to be absolutely demolished by him. So he had only one person left who he could help.

"It's too hot. . ."


"What are you doing ___?"

And it was also relatively easy to find you. Sprawled across the school floor in the shade of a pillar, it looked like you were melting into the floor.

"It's too hot. . ."

Those were the only words Zircon could get out of you. It seemed like you haven't moved from that position in hours, you only kept complaining about the temperature or something. You looked utterly devastated and in need of help.

. . .

This was perfect! It was just what Zircon was looking for! Now he could fulfill his duties as an older gem! Helping his juniors! "Don't worry ____! As your elder I'm here to help you!" enthused, the gem grabbed you by the arm and started dragging you towards the human expert. Their beloved Sensei.

At that moment in the office together with Kongo there were also Red Beryl and Rutile busy discussing who knows what. "With permission Sensei but we have a problem!" Zircon's voice alarmed all those present who curiously turned towards the gem. Seeing your body still limp on the ground Rutile sweatdropped rubbing his head 'And now what the hell have they done?'

"What would be the matter my dear Zircon?” Kongo asked even though at the sight of you some idea had popped into his mind. Taking you from under your armpits the orange gem lifted you "____ has something's wrong. They keeps repeating that it's too hot or something like that" and as if to reinforce Zircon's exclamation, you repeated the same exact words like a machine.

Rutile approached you placing a hand on your forehead "Oh my, could it be that they are ill?" asked the doctor tilting his head in curiosity. "No" Kongo said shaking his head "I think I know the reason for that behavior" he sighed putting down the notebook and the pen he was holding "It's been so many centuries since we had such a hot summer. Early I had noticed the jellyfish behaving strangely and hiding in the shade of the pond"

Rutile hummed placing a hand on his chin "Animals are susceptible to extreme temperatures aren't they? That's why every winter Red Beryl creates new clothes for _____, right?" Kongo nodded making the red gem with pigtails gasp "So I didn't make them just because they were cute to wear? Woah! This makes fashion even more important!" before Red Beryl could delve into the rabbit hole of his passion and end up giving an endless monologue Kongo stopped him.

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