Chapter 5

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"Come on ____! Come and play too!"


It had been a day since the slug incident, and everything seemed to have calmed down. The Lunarians didn't attack once since then, which put the Gems in a good mood. Yellow offered to play some board games and most of the gems accepted. "Wait, you have board games?" it was now evening and everyone changed into pajamas, Red Beryl had already sewed one of your size adding even small decorations so that it was recognizable. "Oh yes why?" asked the yellow diamond placing the various games on the floor "Where the hell did you find the materials? Is this plastic!? What the-" Phos entered the room carrying the basket containing the snail. Ever since he discovered that he understood the little animal, he hadn't stopped talking to it. Even now he was doing it. "No, you can't have a room all for yourself. How many time do I have to repeat my self?"

Rutile entered after Phos and made himself comfortable by your side "We didn't build them. It was Sensei who gave them to us. He said he found them somewhere" he explained. Yes but where?! Wasn't the world destroyed like 6 times? How long has Kongo been alive? "Oh my god, that's Uno! And that's Cluedo? And Monopoly?!" They didn't even look old or in bad shape. "Have you played it before?" Zircon asked beside Yellow. You shook your head "I don't remember if I've ever played it but I'm sure I know the rules of all games" the diamond next to Zircon clapped his hands with a smile "One more reason to play then. Maybe you will remember something. It work like that, right Rutile?" the red gem nodded "That might work. After all Sensei said that unlike us your memory is locked not lost forever"

At that moment Dia and Bort entered the room "Sorry we are late! I couldn't find the rubber bands" the multicolored gem's hair was gathered in two cute pigtails and also the black diamond's hair was gathered in a ponytail. Finally you were all there. "Well what shall we play first?" Sphene asked smiling. "Let's play Uno" Neptunite proposed. At his side Benito gave him a disapproving look "Dude, do you want to ruin some friendships now?" . Yellow chuckled "Better not. Last time Phos lost he ignored us all for a week"

"Best week of my life"

"You know what I think playing Uno is a great idea"

"Don't be like that, come on guys. . ."

"That trash can't even play"


Everyone burst out laughing as the peppermint gem pouted. "You're all mean. Except for Dia and ___!" he said crossing his arms. "How about playing Monopoly? Do you know how to do it?" Rutile asked, turning towards you. You nodded "I know the rules so it's not a problem. " everyone then turned around in search of a companion. "Do you want to play with me? Together we would definitely win!" Of course it was Phos who asked you, you don't have much choice anyway. You knew if you weren't his partner then he would be left alone. "Sure Phos. We will destroy them!"

"Tch. Prepare to lose then. With Phos in your team the odds of winning are slim,” Bort muttered as his partner, Dia, was busy choosing which piece to use. "Ah, it's not that you're that better Bort. Even though you're a battle fanatic, you have a huge bad luck in board games" Rutile retorted. The black gem gave him a glare as the doctor ignored him. Once the preparations were finished, the real game began.

"Hey ____. Why don't you tell us something you remember?" proposed Euclase, throwing the dice. "Mhm I can try" it was your turn and Phos enthusiastically rolled the dice. "We humans have schools too. Only they look more like prisons. There they taught us subjects such as mathematics, art, and our mother tongue" The turn passed to Rutile and Sphere "Really? And what did you study?" asked the red gem taking a card from the deck, it said they had to pay a sum of money. "I don't remember exactly. I just know. Whether it's a question about chemistry, physics, art history. It's like I always know the answer"

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