Chapter 14

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Wake up, get up, do a general check on all gems, tidy up the lab, fix any shattered gems, search for fragments of gems on the beach, try to fix Padparadscha, go to sleep.

That was usually Rutile's routine every day for who knows how many years. There were days when he had a lot of work and could hardly rest and other days when he could devote himself to his partner's condition. Today seemed like a quiet day, he didn't have much to do and maybe he could get to work on the sleeping beauty.

He brought out various pieces of gemstone, each gem painted in different shades of red as their hardness varied. He took one of a beautiful fiery red and raised it placing it in front of the sunlight, the stunning reflections painted his face, busy looking for imperfections. It was a beautiful gem, worthy of a king's crown, and yet it didn't pleased the doctor. It needed more work, it needed to be even more than better. Grimacing, Rutile picked up a chisel and began to carve the sides of the fragment.

A little work on the sides, a little sanding on the top and base and again the fragment was exposed to sunlight. It still wasn't good. And the work began again. A work that has been going on for more than 200 years. A puzzle that the school doctor was finding it increasingly difficult to solve. And every failure only demoralized him. How could he consider himself a doctor if he couldn't even help a fellow gem, his partner.

Maybe his knowledge wasn't enough. Someone else was needed, someone who knew more than him.


Immediately the doctor raised his head looking around, when someone shouted his name like that it often meant that a gem was severely shattered. But his blank expression turned perplexed when he saw no one in his lab. Had he worked so much that he was starting to hallucinate?

"Im down hereeeee. . ."

Rutile followed the voice again, lowering his gaze towards the floor and immediately noticed the owner of it. Seeing your figure stretched out on the ground the doctor deadpanned  "____. . .what happened?" he asked putting down the chisel and standing up. You groaned crawling towards the gem "Need help in the lab?"

He raised an eyebrow but didn't comment on your pitiful appearance to say the least "Shouldn't you be helping Ghost in the library?" You sighed, shivering a bit at the memory of this morning "I had training with Bort this morning and as you can see he destroyed me" you turned on your back, face up meeting Rutile's gaze "And when Ghost saw my condition he forbade me to work and ordered me to go and rest in my room"

You sweatdropped remembering the tone that the black and white gem had used, you'd never seen him so serious in your entire life. He looked like a whole other gem.

Rutile hummed "And what are you doing here instead of being in your room?"

All of a sudden you hugged the doctor's leg as he took a step back startled by the action "I can't stay still and do nothing in my room! I feel so useless! Tell me you have something to cure me sexy legs"

"Yellow has influenced you a little too much. . .that damn old diamond"

"Please! Phos is who knows where and everyone is out on patrol. You're the only one!"

"And so you want me to help you?"

You nodded letting go of the leg of the doctor who walked towards one of the many shelves "Now that I think about it" you watched him curious tinkering with something. He chuckled turning around holding various tools that looked like they came out of a medieval torture chamber. "You don't mind if I examine you a bit, do you? After all, I've never seen anything like you before~"

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