Chapter 2

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"Can't I even scratch a piece of their finger?"

'What a headache'

"NO! Sensei said I'm the one responsible for human health!"

'Why are they screaming? Can't they see I'm trying to sleep?'

"You? Oh poor thing"

"Be quiet, I can't even sleep here" you mummble and indeed whoever was around fell silent as you were finally able to go back to sleep. It hadn't even crossed your mind that you didn't know the owners of the voices. "SENSEI!" someone yelled suddenly managing to wake you up abruptly. You opened your eyes only to bring your hand over them to block out the bright light. Around yourself you could hear frantic footsteps and voices drowning out one another. Finally as your eyes adjusted to the light you took your hand away from your face and sat up. You groaned and noticed that you were sitting on what appeared to be a table with a white sheet covering yoursef.

"Leave them some space" a voice exclaimed, attracting your attention. You brushed a strand of hair away from your face and turned towards what looked like an entrance. There stood a bald man wearing Buddhist robes, beside him stood a person with unsual peppermint hair that seemed to shine. His eyes were the same color, fixed on you. He was wearing a huge smile and seemed to almost vibrate in place. "Alright" you heard a second voice say, you turned to your right seeing another person next to you. He had short red hair with yellow undertones, wore a white coat and a blank expression.

You looked around not recognizing where you were. It looked like some kind of laboratory, gems of various colors were placed on shelves flanked by bags of white powder and jars of a sticky substance. To your left you could see a huge window that showed the outside of the structure, large expanses of grass covered miles and miles leaving you to see nothing else that the green strings. 'This lab probably belongs to the person with the white coat' The bald man walked up to you followed by the person with the peppermint hair. "Hello human. My name is Kongo but you can refer to me as Sensei like everyone else does" he introduced himself and as you opened your mouth to speak but the peppermint person interrupted you "And I am Phosphollite! But you can call me Phos." he said taking your hand and shaking it strongly.

"Phos! What did I say about personal space?" Kongo scolded Phos who immediately released your hand in embarrassment shouting a 'Sorry!'. You chuckled nervously at the scene while scratching your cheek with a finger, the person in the lab coat deadpanned with a sigh before turning to face you "Don't pay attention to him. I'm Rutile, the school doctor" he introduced himself and you nodded to him. 'School.' Were you then in a school? A somewhat particular school, you didn't remember them being like this. "Uh nice to meet you." you said getting a reassuring smile from Kongo. They all seemed like nice people. "Do you happen to have a name?" he continued.

"Yea of course, I am. . ." you thought about it having a hard time remembering something as simple as your name. It was almost embarrassing that you didn't remember something you've had since birth. Who wouldn't know?


"(_____). My name is (_____)." You said having something like a flashback. Phos' smile widened "Hello (_____) and welcome to the school! Can I be your friend?" he said hopefully. You nodded and Phos threw his arms in the air celebrating, behind him Rutile facepalmed already done with the gem's bubbly personality. The gem didn't know what personal space was, nor did he know how to control his voice. He wouldn't be surprised if at this moment some other gems came in to check what all the noise was. "If you're feeling well, I have a few questions for you" Kongo intervened placing a hand on the shoulder of the peppermint gem. "Yes sure" you said.

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