Chapter 16

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When was the last time you and Phos were together? Probably since spring had arrived. After all the other gems have awakened you have had little time to spend together.

"How are you?"

"I go on. You? How is it going?"

"I'm having a hard time sleeping"

It's so weird talking to Phos now. You were used to the goofy peppermint gem, the stubborn, kind, full of life gem. A little full of himself but so innocent and funny.

"If you want, you can always come to my room. Like during the winter"

"I don't want to disturb you. Humans need to sleep, don't they?"

"Pff. You underestimate me. I can function great even with just 3 hours of sleep!"

"This doesn't sound very healthy."

This Phos, however, is much more serious. More closed in on himself, attentive to his surroundings and sad. Extremely sad. He's still a kind soul. He's just lost that carefree aura that was always following him.

"What about the hallucinations?"

"From time to time they appear"

"You know sometimes I wish I forced you and Antarct to stay with me that day. To play cards, as I promised you"

"It's not your fault"

"Then it's not your fault too"

The gem smiled sadly walking beside you, in the distance the school was getting smaller and smaller. The sky was blue and in it there were few clouds blown by the light wind. Even today seemed to be a beautiful day, typical spring.

"One of these days you'll have to take me to see that pink snail. Ventricosus right?"


"Ah, right. You forgot. Never mind"

You missed your former guide.

You walked for a while until you arrived to a promontory, you sat next to each other enjoying the wind. Speaking of promontory, you wonder if Phos still remembers the promise he made to Cinnabar a year ago. Maybe when you have time you'll have to visit him. You watched the clouds go by, imagining the most extravagant shapes.

"Hey, doesn't that cloud look like one of those little creatures? The ones we had to chase when Shiro appeared" The gem looked up at the sky smiling at the striking resemblance. "You're talking about that cloud, but have you ever seen this other one? It looks so much like one of those snails with shells you see on the beach" he said pointing with his index finger to another cloud not a short distance away.

You and Phos continued this game until you noticed something in the distance. Something you haven't seen in a long time. You stood up while maintaining eye contact with it "Phos... you still want to talk to the Lunarians don't you?" The gem looked up at where you were looking and his expression became more grim. "Three star model, an old type" his alloy began to move as if agitated "And its not hollow!"

The Lunarian ship appeared from the black spot always accompanied by their music and of course their bows. Suddenly Phos started running towards the Lunarians' ship, forgetting one small detail "PHOS WAIT! You don't have your sword!" you yelled reaching out a hand as if you wanted to stop him. The gem ignored your warning using the alloy to shield itself against arrows "It means you'll cover me!" and having said this he rose into the air using the alloy and landed on the ship.

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