Chapter 10

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A/N: Spoilers ep 8 of the anime and chapt 19 of the manga.



"Phosphollite's arms have been lost"

The book in Kongo's hands fell to the floor with a THUND booming throughout the room. He turned wide-eyed to meet his beloved three figures soaked from head to toe. One was missing arms, the other a hand, and the last one was shaking like a leaf. But at least they were alive. "It was my mistake I apologize" Antarct said lowering his gaze. Phos snapped his head towards the white gem "WHAAAT?!" he shouted in disbelief "I-It was my fault, no matter how you look at it so-"

Antarct tightened his grip on his hand narrowing his eyes "I've searched everywhere I could but-" he whirled, frantically walking towards the exit of the office "I will go look once more after all-" his way was blocked by the black mantle of his Sensei, he looked up surprised meeting the calm gaze of the older gem "It's because of my lack of caution" he said trying to comfort him but Antarct shook his head "No, its because I'm unused to working with someone. I got careless. I've never failed like this before, so-" his grip on Kongo's robes tightened as his body began to trembled as if he were about to cry. "I don't know what to do. . ." he fell to his knees covering his face in despair. It was a heartbreaking scene.

"Antarct. . . don't worry come on, we are gonna find a solution" hearing your hoarse voice you put a hand on your sore throat coughing. Damn it, looks like you've caught a cold, this one wasn't needed. "Y-yea! This isn't the first time I failed like this. So don't worry" Phos said a little shocked by this reaction. He was used to the usual rolling of Rutile's eyes as he repaired him, or the scoffing of the gems as they picked up his pieces. All this despair, especially for him, he had never seen it before. Except from Antarc and ____.

"I'M GOING TO WORRY!" shouted Antarct as he was lifted into the arms of his beloved Sensei. Kongo turned his gaze towards you worried about your condition "Are you alright ____? You won't stop shaking" hearing your name you lifted your head to meet his gaze "I think I got sick. It must be because I jumped like an idiot into the freezing waters to recover Phos" you admitted coughing. "This is not good. . ." Kongo whispered so softly that neither Phos nor you heard it. But Antarct did and at his Sensei's concerned tone his body stiffened. 'Did something serious happen to ___ as well?'

If the white gem could shed tears, he would be a sobbing mess. How did he, after all these years of work, put not just one but both of his partners at risk!?

"Uh, well. . .look! It will work out somehow. Like my legs did"

"But Phos, didn't Rutile say there were no more spare parts for you?" your words were followed by a sneeze and a quite cuss. Damn cold. At the realization of your words Phos froze in a cold sweat. "Ah yea. . ."

"Do you know what you ought to do?"

"I do not know. I'm literally doomed. All I do is give up and throw up my hands. I bet my hands are also going up in the sky somewhere in the ocean"

"That was fast"

"I. . .dunno. . .all. . ."

"Go search to the Beach of Beginnings"

You and Phos looked at Kongo with confused expressions "Uh?" The beach of the beginnings. . . it was a familiar name. Phos maybe mentioned it to you once even if you weren't sure. The gem in question approached your ear whispering "And where is that again?" you looked at him with a tired look and whispered back "Do you think I know?" from Kongo's arms Antarct sniffed turning his head towards you. "The south-west beach. . .you have lost so much of your memory. . ."

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