Chapter 23

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TW: blood, gore, panic attack? Anyways, if you are easily susceptible to these things please skip the paragraph they mention. There will be a * to warn you.


☆▪︎▪︎▪︎ 15 years after Phos's transplant  ▪︎▪︎▪︎☆

"Hey Goshe, do you think I should ask Obsidian to check my sword?" long pink voluminous hair bounced into the air with every little step as if they were light as a feather. "Mhh. . .I don't know let me see. Ah actually the blade looks a bit old and rusty, it wouldn't be a bad idea to change it" his partner handed him back his sword which he took with a small snort. They will definitely have to make a stop at their blacksmith before they can finally head to the patrol, and maybe if they are lucky they will also meet Sensei before they leaves.

Morga stretched letting go a big yawn "Still sleepy?" chuckled his partner, the pink gem rubbed his eyes nodding "Apparently. It's always like this whenever spring com-" as he rounded the corner he tripped over something which knocked him face down on the floor, luckily not doing any damage. The gem groaned turning with a scowl ready to demolish anyone who dared to knocked him over.

"Who the hell-___?! What are you doing huddled behind a wall?!" in a flash you placed one hand over the pink gem's mouth shushing him and with the other signaled for Goshe to remain silent. Slowly you leaned your head out of the corner observing the area and above all that there was nobody there. The two gems looked at you confused, having no idea what the hell you were doing. You were weird yes. But not up to this point.

"Huh. . .____-" "Keep your voice down!" you whisperd-yelled at the gray gem who, having understood the mistake, immediately lowered his voice. "What's going on?" he asked crouching next to you "Yes, exactly. What have you got to hide and trip people up?" spatted Morga, still annoyed from the fall. "I'm hiding" you said checking again that a certain someone wasn't coming.

"And from whom?" Morga asked raising an eyebrow "Sexy legs" you whisperd-yelled not even daring to pronounce his name, as if he could appear at any moment. "Rutile?” Goshe whispered and you nodded quickly. The pink gem barked a laugh sitting crisscross and supporting his head with his hand "What the hell have you done?"

With an hushed tone you replied "During this winter Cairn had fallen off the roof and shattered his arm so I had gotten glue from the quack doc's lab to fix him. Only, when I was putting it back it fell from my hands ending up all on the ground. A whole basket of glue thrown away" Goshe winced at the idea.

"And when Rutile woke up and found out he was furious! He couldn't take it out on Cairn because he had to go on his summer hibernation so he decided to take all his anger out on me" you shuddered at the memory of the doctor's livid expression "He's been chasing me since this morning, I haven't had a break until now. . .and he's still looking for me!"

With a defeated sigh you collapsed to the ground, does that damned doctor never get tired?!

Morga laughed as Goshe patted you on the back clearly pitying your state and not wanting to be in your position at all. "You are completely screwed" smirked the pink gem then he got an idea "Unless you come on patrol with us" he said with a smug look "After all you still owe us a patrol together"

And as if by magic your eyes began to sparkle, like a thousand diamonds, at the prospect of having a chance to escape the clutches of the mad doctor. "Oh! Yes! Yes! Yes! Please, no place here in the school is safe!" satisfied by your answer Morga turned to Goshe "Did you hear? Today we will have an extra teammate" the gray gem smiled helping you up "What an honor"

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