Chapter 20

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You blinked dipping a finger into the, now icy, waters of the pond, amused as you watched how a jellyfish approached curiously and then ran away as soon as you made a sudden movement. You were already starting to feel the cold winter air biting you, making you realize that in a while the gems will go into hibernation again. Had it already been another year?

And guess who hasn't made any progress with their memory?

Exactly, you.

Sighing disappointed in yourself you lay down on the cement of the school, it was frustrating, extremely frustrating. How many times have you already said that? Too many.

Hearing footsteps approach you sat up on your elbows and turned around noting an Euclase who shuffled his feet marching at a snail's pace. The gem didn't seem to notice you as he continued on his way, his eyes almost completely closed and he was yawning more times than your breaths.

You sweatdropped watching him stagger "Hey Euc. Everything ok?" the bi-colored gem didn't seem to expect your voice because he suddenly jumped in surprise "E-Eh? Oh hello ___. You scared me," he said again yawning. Raising an eyebrow you tilted your head, curious "I've noticed. Why that face? You look like you're going to collapse at any moment."

For the umpteenth time Euclase yawned covering his mouth with the documents he had in his hand "The preparations for the winter have been postponed. . .again" you frowned feeling some sympathy for him "Aww, that must suck. Are you going to warn the others?" he nodded before starting to walk again "See you around"

"Bye bye!"

You returned to observe the jellyfish pond again enjoying this moment of peace. It seems like the gems like to exploit you or something. Rutile needed help in his laboratory, Red Beryl needed a model, Obsidian someone to help him test the various types of swords. And being the people pleaser you were, you could never turn yourself down.

Suddenly you heard some frantic footsteps approaching before you were swiftly wrapped in a hug from behind "Hi!" your eyes widened at the familiar voice "Phos!?" the peppermint gem let go allowing you to turn and look at him "How long! I thought I wouldn't find you anywhere, everyone kept stealing you” he said with a big smile. You haven't seen him smile like that since he had longer hair.

You slowly blinked at him without saying a word still shocked by the sudden change in personality. Not hearing a response from you the gem began to find the situation somewhat awkward "____?" he asked a little worried. Slowly you raised a finger pointing at him "Who are you?"

"Im Phos?"

"You mean Phosphophyllite the 301 years old gem with the hardness of 3.5?"

"Oh wow, I didn't know you knew my age so accurately."

You blinked before taking a step back and pointing at him again with a more shocked expression "Ehhhhh? What the hell happened to you?!" Phos smiled confidently throwing a fist in the air "New day, new me! I stopped feeling all sad and mopping! From now on I'll try harder!" then his smile turned into an awkward one "I hope you can forgive me for what happened a few days ago"

and mopping! From now on I'll try harder!" then his smile turned into an awkward one "I hope you can forgive me for what happened a few days ago"

"So does that mean you're back to being the Phos I knew?" you asked surprised and confused as to why this decision. Cairngorm must have talked to him or something. The peppermint gem nodded as he scratched the back of his neck. You were silent for a few seconds before throwing yourself at him and hugging him like a koala "You are back!" you cried dramatically almost making the gem fall.

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