Chapter 3

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"Ci-cinnabar" Phos stuttered with widened eyes at the gem in front of him. "Cinnabar? Is he Cinnabar?" well indeed the silver poison was present. "And what's going on Phos. Who is attacking us with arrows!?" before the gem in front of you could open his mouth Cinnabar groaned. "Dammit" liters and liters of silver liquid dripped to the ground creating a puddle, "Ahh, why" the red gem lowered his head trying to resist the arrows. "Just by breathing. . .I make the earth die all around me" More mercury fell to the ground turning the grass at his feet brown, killing it. "I dont. . ." He breath out "I don't want to dirty everything more than I already have" his voice was close to tears. "I don't want to be seen" Something in his voice made your heart feel heavy.

"Its so shameful. I don't wanna to fight" Then something horrific happened. Waterfalls of mercury came out of his mouth, tears of the same substance running down his cheek and his face was twisted in one of pain. It was honestly a scary view.  From the sudden effort Cinnabar lost control of the poison dispersing it and leaving you in full view of the Lunarians. Your breath hitched, dozens of white creatures with yellow-ochre hues were descending from ropes attached to what looked like a cloud. They were dressed like gods, some of them remained on the cloud aiming at you with their bows. In the center was a larger fellow of them holding a basket. You couldn't take your eyes off them. Something inside you screamed that you recognized them, perhaps you had seen them in a book of some myth or they were part of a religion. Still, It was as if they were drawing you in with their music, their looks, their elegance.

"Cinnabar!" called Phos as the other gem staggered barely standing "I don't want to but . . ." from the puddle of mercury Cinnabar-like figures rised "I have to" the red gem shot through the air towards the sunspot covering it with the silvery liquid. It began to fade and it almost displeased you, but that thought was soon gone as you saw Cinnabar fall from the sky and miss the tip of the headland. You lunged forward managing to take the hand of the red gem. Too bad physics was a thing and the weight of the gem knocked you forward. You would surely have ended up in the ocean if Phos hadn't wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you backwards. But you couldn't claim victory because due to the slippery liquid that covered your and Cinnabar's hand it slipped the gem out of your grip. You gasped making eye contact for a second with him before he disappeared.

"Ah-" You and Phos fell backwards breaking the arms of the peppermint gem in the process. You lay there for a few seconds, covered in mercury, you out of breath and he looking at the sky. Then he stood up abruptly looking at you with a worried expression "Oh God! Are you okay? You didn't break anything right? Ah that's not okay!" he yelled checking that you weren't hurt. But besides a big scare you were fine. "Phos, Phos. I'm fine don't worry. You should worry about yourself. And about Cinnabar! He fell off a fricking cliff!" but the gem ignored you continuing to mutter to himself. "I'm such a bad guide! I promised you I'd protect you and yet here's what happens. I'm a failure. . ."

"You are wasting your time. . ." you turned around hearing the voice of a certain red gem. Not far away Cinnabar was coming towards you, he seemed to be fine, no broken or damaged body parts.  He walked up until he was behind Phos, he tried to pull him up by the shirt but his hand shattered. "Out of all twenty-eight of us, I am the lowest. Solidity of only two" he turned to you tilting his head in wonder. "Are you friends with Phos? I've never seen a gem like you," he asked. You nod waving "I'm (____) and I'm a human and not a gem" he nodded back "I can't say I know what that is"

"Just a softer version of you. You can touch, everyone has already done it"

"I am sorry for that"

"What are you doing here anyway? It's dangerous" he said placing a hand on his pelvis. "I wanted to introduce you to the human but why were you here? Isn't this where they captured Helio?" Phos pointed a broken arm at Cinnabar who lowered his head. "That's right. But you see I'm here" the wind blew ruffling his hair "Because I'm waiting for them to take me away" Phos gasped and you looked at him confused. "You mean the guys from before? Why would they ever take you away? And where?"

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