Chapter 7

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A fishing net was lowered into the sea retrieving the desired gem of the white divine creatures. Both of his legs were missing from his body, scattered somewhere in the ocean where the chances of finding them are almost nil. The creatures immobilized the peppermint gem with ropes wrapped around his body and mouth. Phos couldn't say a word in surprise and confusion as to how the situation had gone from being a stroller in the sea to being within three feet of a Lunarian. "Bring another you say? This was not what you promised" he heard Ventricosus's voice and spun around to see what was happening. Why on earth would she betray him, why was she working with the creatures who had harmed her and her people?

"Phosphollite alone should be worth enough to bring my companion's consciousness back" the Admirabilis tried to bargain but in response the Lunarians pointed flaming spears at her. The ruler flinched back at the heat of them "Alright! Alright!" she backed away looking down at the ground "But they're not stupid, I can't use the same method. If I could use Phos as bait. . ." She said considering her options "Perhaps Cinnabar who is astute and isolated."

At the mention of the gem Phos's eyes widened, he struggled away attracting the attention of Ventricosus who raised her eyes to meet his gaze. His crystalline eyes begged the Admirabilis not to harm the red gem. If Cinnabar was caught because of him, he would never forgive himself. Ventricosus breath hitched and she hesitated "No" she finally replied "Phosphollite is as far as I can go. They'll already be suspecting me-" she didn't have time to finish speaking when the Lunarians attacked her with the spears burning her right arm. Ventricosus let out a cry of pain as her arm melted.

"RULER!" Phos screamed as he managed to free himself from the ropes around his mouth. The gem felt another presence at his side and when he turned around he found the owner of the shell placed on the ship of the Lunarians. A huge black slug. "Do I" it began to speak dragging the words "Smell food?" It stood up on its legs exposing its imposing form.

"So cute. . ."

And cute.

"Aculeasis. . ." Ventricosus whispered. The Lunarians tried to use the flaming spears to keep the huge slug at bay, which at the sight of the fire began to writhe, making the whole ground tremble. It fell into the sea creating a huge wave that bathed all the ship's residents. "Aculeasis!" yelled the ruler at the sight of her companion fallen into the water fearing the worst for him. Behind her two Lunarias were ready to shoot at her when two black tentacles cut them in half making them disappear. Dozens of tentacles appeared from the water attacking all the Lunarians and hurting the gem in the face.

"Thats me!"

A black humanoid creature appeared out of the sea rising with its tentacles. "I woke up because I smelled something super tasty and lo and behold I find my beloved sisters near my house" it landed in the ship approaching his sister "It's my lucky day" Ventricosus glare at him "You. . .silly little brother. You are no good at anything but eating and fighting" Aculeasis chuckled taking his sister's hand "My my, you have gotten so tough"

Then his smile turned into a serious expression "But we have to hurry. Lunarias are frail but also quick and cunning. They'll already know about our betrayal- uh?" Aculeasis noticed a glittering thing a few meters from them "A person of bones? Ahhh now I understand" Ventricosus said nothing as Phos was slowly regaining consciousness "You were really smart. Now this is our chance to rescue mom, dad and our other comrades from the state of slavery." the gem met Ventricosus serious gaze "You did well coming this far sis."

Phos snorted and frowned "That so unfair. How can I be mad at you now ruler?" at his words Ventricosus's eyes widened "So you don't mind being used as a bargaining chip?" Aculeasis asked. Phos shrugged "I don't think anyone would care, just don't touch my friends Cinnabar and ____" he pleaded and the Admirabilis nodded "It's a promise" and set off only to be stopped by his sister. He turned towards her with a confused look but she said nothing as she approached Phos, took his head and placed it in her lap. "Are you really okay with that?” she asked and he nodded. Ventricosus looked at him with a sad look "You said earlier that no one would care but that's not true. There is someone who would be sad at your passing. I have seen it. The day I was mistaken for you. What determination in their eyes to bring you back." the crystalline eyes of the gem widened reflecting the sunset light "They would be very sad if you were gone" continued Ventricosus stroking the exposed piece of crystal "I...I don't want them to suffer because of me" said the gem weakly. Ventricosus then smiled wrapping the gem in a warm embrace.

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