Chapter 15

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A/N: Sorry again if the gems are too ooc.


Exhausted because of all the events that happened that day, Rutile fell back on his chair sighing. Padparadscha had woken up and that was good news, too bad his conscious period hadn't lasted long. Rutile was sure that Yellow would have liked to talk to his friend after such a long time. After all, the yellow gem had known him much longer than he had.


Talking of the devil.

"Is it true that Padparadscha woke up!" Yellow shouted running towards the doctor who shook his head sorry to have to give the bitter news "He woke up only for a moment" The older gem bent down on his knees trying to catch his breath. "Jeez" he said with a frown "I wanted to talk about the old times. . ."

"What, a meeting of senile fellows?"

". . ."


The doctor ran off chased by a rather angry yellow gem.

"Having some free time, huh?" said Rutile peeking from behind a column sweatdropping. Yellow stopped on the other side "You see, at the moment Zircon is paired with Bort" he informed the doctor. "Ohh you mean that project of showing Bort as an example of strength. Feeling lonely?"

The diamond shook his head smiling "No way!" he flipped his blonde crystalline hair "I think Bort and Zircon have a good chemistry between them" he said placing a hand on his chin as if he were thinking.

Rutile watched him from behind the column deadpanning, not believing a single word the diamond said "Wow, thats some clever way of an elder showing bravado. . ."

". . ."



It is said that walking helps to organize ideas.

"Discover my past or not? Mhhhh"

And at the moment you had a lot to rearrange.

So what could be better if not take a stroll through the corridors of the school?

"Should I or shouldn't I?"

You just couldn't make up your mind, it had been a year now and you hadn't made any progress. Does it make sense to keep trying? Who says you'll remember anything in the future? The only lead you have is the fact that you somehow understand the language of the moon people.

Should you research them?

There's also the fact that you impulsively decided to help Phos with his wacky plan to try to establish communication with the Lunarians. You have a bad habit of helping everyone without thinking about what you're getting into. You have to learn to be more selfish.

. . .

You have the feeling that you will never overcome that stupid habit.

"I don't know what to do!" you sighed loudly crossing your arms. You gazed out across the expanse of grass until your attention fell on a kneeling body. You raised an eyebrow stopping looking at it. The gem was turned away with his head between his knees so his hair weren't visible. You tried to identify who it belonged to but the tall blades of grass prevented you from recognizing any features.

You moved closer until you could see his shimmering orange hair. 'Zircon?' What was he doing here all alone in that state? And above all Yellow was nowhere to be seen. Usually those two are always glued together. *Gasp!* Did they fight?! You didn't want to believe it. Yellow just doesn't seem like the type to argue with anyone, and Zircon has too much respect for the diamond to fight with him.

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