Special 200 hearts on quotev

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This is a chapter that has no connection to the main story. It's a scenario where instead of Phos it was Lapis who woke up. Since I didn't have any chance to write some interactions between him and Mc in the original plot.

Thats all! Enjoy and thank you again!


"And another winter is gone too. What a struggle" with a deep sigh you sat down on the bench leaning on the sheath of your sword. "It was soooooooo cold" Cairngorm rolled his eyes crossing his arms "Dramatic as usual. At least this year you weren't chased by Lunarians for once" You opened one eye looking at the white gem before sticking your tongue out at him "At least you didn't break a limb this year."

"You little. . ."

"Cairngorm!" The gem stiffened at the mention of his name by a certain fashion freak. Red Beryl slid across the floor until he got in front of him and threw one of his new dresses in his face. "It's time for your hibernation! Look what I've prepared for you! Isn't it adorable?"

Cairn reluctantly picked up the dress, eyeing it with slight disgust. It was even more decorated than last year with a much fuller skirt and bows that covered 80% of the available surface. Why the hell does he always have to dress like that to hibernate? And above all, why are you the only one who doesn't have to suffer this humiliation? "Oh my. Look how cute it is. I what to see how it looks on you"

Cairn's cheeks flushed and his grip on the fabric tightened at your words. Why do you always have to compliment everything and everyone?! Aren't you embarrassed to do it?! Before the white gem could express his thoughts the school doctor interrupted the conversation handing you an empty basket. "I'm sorry to intrude but _____ could you go and remove the curtains in Phos' room? I know you've been working for a long time but I'm taking care of the minor damage that Benito managed to cause himself during hibernation"

Flashing him a smile you took the basket "Sure doc no problem" then turning to Cairn you winked "I want to see how your dress fits before you fall into dreamland" the gem stiffened but seeing his expression freeze in a blank stare with one eye ticking every now and then was enough to signal to you that this was the right time to run away and towards Phos' room.

Arriving near his room you let out a sigh, chucking at the memory of Cairn's pissed off face. Once inside you began to pull down the curtains, letting in the warm light of the sun which immediately illuminated the body in the center of the room covered by a white sheet. You watched him for a few seconds before resuming your work and starting to speak. Like every year you told the sleeping body what had happened during the winter. How you had gotten better at destroying ice floes, how Cairn had shattered his arm falling from the roof, and how you had had a heart attack because Bort had fallen on top of you, him asleep during the whole time.

"And then Sensei said-"

"Hmm. . .what time is it?"

You froze on the spot as your ears heard a voice. Immediately you snapped your neck towards the origin of it, lowkey hurting yourself, and whole and behold there was him. The long blue haired gem sat up dropping the white sheets on his lap while he was holding his head. "Phos. . .?" you said in a state of shock. He woke up? Has he finally woken up? Your best friend is back?

The gem raised him head apparently surprised by your voice too. He turned his head towards you and your eyes met, his full of curiosity towards yours.

"Who?" Immediately after those words the gem winced holding his head, his expression twisting into one of pain. "Yea no Phos, let's go to Rutile. Now. Its better he check you." you immediately went to his side, holding him up and little by little, step by step, you two would head towards Rutile. In the confusion, however, you didn't notice how his voice was unusually different, nor his curious look towards your physical contact.

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