Chapter 27

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Ahhhh what a nice sleep. After yesterday's excitement at the news that Phos had woken up you had completely drained all your batteries and ended up sleeping like a log. You were just like Kongo when he had to 'meditate', not even a bomb could wake you up. With a yawn you turned around, snuggling the Shiro plush that Red Beryl had stitched for everyone. You loved it, it was your little energy supplier when you had none left.

During your journey into REM sleep a cough caught your attention. Reluctantly you opened one eye to figure out who it was, a completely black figure entered your peripheral vision. Ahhhhh it was just Bort. And you went back to sleep happy.

. . .


With a yelp you sat up with lightning speed hitting the back of your head against the ceiling of the bed. Wincing you rubbed right away the spot you hit complaining how much it hurt before you remembered a detail. Bort. Slowly you turned your head towards him, noticing the glare he had painted on his face and with his arms crossed he was tapping his foot on the ground. "H-Hey Bort. . .to what do I owe your presence?"

The diamond narrowed his eyes at you accusingly "____. . .do you know what time it is?" he asked in a calm, impassive tone. Not a good sign. Playing with the Shiro plush you did everything possible to avoid his gaze "Dawn?" Bort said nothing, raising a hand he took the curtains before opening them wide and letting in a sun that dazzled you and forced you to close your eyes. "Ok maybe it's slightly morning. . ."

"You weren't there for our morning workout" he continued, scolding you. With an awkward laugh you fidget with your fingers "Oops?" Scoffing Bort grabbed your uniform that was on top of your desk chair before throwing it in your face "Get dressed. You're coming on patrol with me and Zircon"

"Whaaa! Why? Today is my day off! I wanted to pass it a bit with Phos. . .you know? I didn't seen him in 102 years." you whined with the uniform still on your face. The black diamond rolled his eyes ignoring your words and taking your wrist "Let's go. You missed your morning workout, we'll make up for it once we're on patrol."

"Can't I skip it for a day?"

"Don't even think about it. You always have to train your body even when you think you have reached the maximum. You have to make sure you never regress by training your body every single day. If you miss just one then you'll miss the next one and the next one and end up going out of shape and throwing away all your progress."

". . .I lost you at 'Don't'"

"Just hurry up!"



"Hi _____"

"Don't stop! You still have to do another five laps!"

"Aw come on! Please Zircon! Help me!" 

The orange gem couldn't do anything but send you an awkward smile as he watched you practice. No matter how much he loved you, the fuck he would help. He certainly didn't want to end up on Bort's bad side. "Come on with those legs!"

"I have shitty stamina!"

"That's what I'm training you for!"

Groaning you kept running back and forth across the expanse of grass as your legs begged you to stop. Damn you for oversleeping, now the training is even more intense than before! "And you can stop. Five minute break," the black diamond announced, putting away his sword, which he certainly didn't use as a threat. Not at all.

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