Chapter 19

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Slowly Phos awoke from the state of unconsciousness staring at the ceiling trying to remember the last events that happened. He and Ghost had decided to make a team, you had joined them during a patrol, a sunspot had appeared, trying to communicate with the Lunarians he was shot in the stomach. . . Immediately his eyes widened and with a jerk he brought a hand to his abdomen, finding that everything was fine.

Looking around he realized he was in Rutile's laboratory, this means that someone destroyed the vessel of the moon people. "What's with ____ and Ghost?" he asked getting up from the table worried for the health of his friends. Rutile hesitated, exchanging a look with Jade "They are in Sensei's office" he finally responded calming Phos's non-existent nerves "They are here. . .they are safe. . .thank goodness. . ." he said with a sigh of relief "Thank goodness . ." he repeated as he staggered towards the place the doctor had told him.

Rutile and Jade watched the gem go away without saying a word, the president glanced at the gem at his side which in response looked at him uncertainly.

Phos walked up to Kongo's office, it was night but in the distance he could see the shape of a gem "Ghost!" he called relieved "Im so sorry! Thank goodness you are safe! No really, I'm so glad. Where is ____?" The gem didn't answer, continuing to turn away from him. This strange change in behavior caused the peppermint gem to stop abruptly planting a seed of doubt in him "Ghost. . .is you, right?"

The black gem spun around punching Phos in the face and shattering him. The last thing he saw was Sensei and ____ running towards him. He woke up again in Rutile's laboratory and sat up disoriented, what was it? Was it like a dream, another hallucination? "Ahhh. That scared me. . .what a terrible dream. . ." he turned around towards Rutile and Jade "Even though the hair was different I was sure that was Ghost. But when he turned around, it was nobody I knew. Is Ghost really here?"

Rutile was the first to speak "Yea" which caused Jade to give him a puzzled look "In Sensei's office" Phos guessed and again the doctor nodded. With a big sigh the peppermint gem began to move towards the same direction as in his dream ". . .Just like in the dream. . ."

Once he arrived in the vicinity of the office he could see two figures in the distance having an animated discussion, one of which he recognized to be ____. This means that the other must be Ghost. Phos tried to call them only to be greeted by the face of the same gem from his dream which despite his friend's protests threw a punch again destroying Phos's face.

For the third time the peppermint gem woke up with a start in Rutile's laboratory "Ah! Again this dream. . .that. . . .that guy. . .I have an horrible sensation" a cough attracted the attention of Phos who, turning around, found himself face to face with Rutile, ____ and again that strange gem from his dream.

His scream rang out throughout the school.

"Ghost,” Kongo called the black gem who gave him an annoyed look "What?" he asked, noting Phos flinch beside him. "Hitting your teammates is wrong" he scolded getting a scoff from the gem.

"But Sensei, this guy. . ."

"No means no"

Kongo sighed closing his eyes "Phos you know that Ghost has a multilayered structure- what are you doing?" the gem stuck his head out from behind a column away from other possible attacks. "I hear you all the same!" Kongo nodded continuing "Ghost's outer shell that you know was chipped off during a barrage. His pieces now sit next to Padpa's."

At his Sensei's words, Phos felt his heart stop for an instant and his strength failing making him fall to his knees "It's your fault” spat Cairn glaring at him.

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