Chapter 13

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"Heeeeeelp me Dia!"


Of all the people Kongo could have paired you with, the black diamond. The gem that can pulverizes you with a single glance, the gem you had decided to have a beef with from the first day you met him. The gem that you are 99% sure hates you, the gem that is mean with Diamond, the sweet Diamond! The gem- yea, you get what i mean. Simply put, you were screwed, in total shit and with no way out.

"Im sooo dead!" You wined hugging Dia on the waist as he patted your head with a pity smile on his features. As the school doctor had said, the diamond was on his feet perky the next day. And you didn't miss the opportunity, immediately looking for the multicolored gem to gather as much information as possible on how to survive the black gem. And that's why you were now in Dia's room, clinging to his waist as he tries to comfort you. Dramatic much? Oh honey, dramatic is your second name.

"Oh ___. Don't be like that. It's just for a day." said the gem chuckling. You lifted your head meeting his eyes "Not to be rude but your brother is not the most sunshine and rainbow person on this earth" you said frowing. "He is mean" Dia pouted crossing his arms "Don't talk like that about my younger brother. Deep down he cares about everyone even if he doesn't show it"

"A lot deep down. . ."


You groaned letting go of Dia and falling backwards on his bed. "He hates me. I'm sure of it. I'm telling you, I'm not coming back to school alive tonight" seeing your drama Dia chuckled shaking his head. "Then this is the perfect opportunity to become friends!"

"Does Bort even have friends in the first place?"


But maybe Dia was right. At some point you have to build a good relationship with Bort, even just one of tolerance. Maybe deep down the black diamond is nice and the whole farce of looking mean is just a defense mechanism. What was the saying? Do not judge a book by its cover? Sighing you jumped up stretching your arms "Okay, you convinced me. So, what should I know about Bort?" Dia's smile widened happy to see you try to get along with his younger brother. Maybe after today you'd see how strong the black diamond was. The idea made the diamond feel a pang in the heart but he immediately ignored it returning to the question you had asked.

"He won't talk about anything but battles!"

You raised an eyebrow in wonder.



Two gems were walking down the corridors of the school ready to head to their stations. The blue gem scratched his neck sighing "I still can't believe that Lunarian appeared like that out of nowhere, caused a mess and then vanished into thin air . . ." his companion at his side nodded without saying anything, he didn't even seem upset by what had happened. In truth, he never seems surprised, shocked or upset. Sometimes these features frightened Benito. You would never want to wake up in the middle of the night and find the purple gem at the entrance to your room.

Benito shuddered at the memory, he had gotten so scared that he screamed and woke up all the gems. At the end Neptunite just wanted to ask him if his sword was in the room of the blue gem because he couldn't find it in his own.

Not hearing a response from his partner, Benito deadpanned "At least answer m-Ack!" suddenly something collided against the blue gem causing him to stagger but luckily he recovered before he could fall.

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