Chapter 31

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The senses began to slowly resurface as you put a hand on your forehead. You felt like you were having a terrible hangover even though you weren't really sure what it was like to have one since you've never gotten drunk. Without opening your eyes you tried to recall your memories, Phos had returned and then he had started talking about the moon, yes, he had also managed to convince you to come with him. Once you arrived you were greeted by several Lunarians including one who called himself Prince and then

"Oh looks like you're awake"

Right. . .

You discovered that you were a total freak. Oh god, you felt the nausea coming back again. Slowly you opened your eyes noticing you were lying on what appeared to be a bed, you weren't sure if you had left the building as all places here look alike. To your right, Prince Aechmea was sitting in a chair reading a book. Was he here the whole time watching you? Creepy.

"Fuck you. . ."

You hated this guy, you hated the way he looked at you and smiled like this was normal, like he hadn't dropped a bomb on you big enough to destroy a planet. Who in the right mind would tell you that your existence is the result of a macabre experiment with a smile? A sadist, that's who.

"Oh my, someone ain't a morning person I see"

You glared at him trying to sit up, you felt your body being like stung by pins and needles and heavy but at least you no longer had the sensation of wanting to tear yourself apart. "How are you feeling?” continued the Lunarian. "Do you want the truth? I feel like shit" you sighed moving a strand of hair from in front of your face.

Aechmea nodded closing the book and making it disappear into thin air "Understandble. I also bet you'll have a lot of questions since our conversation was interrupted yesterday, right C-viola-"

"Don't call me that!" you spat glaring at him. That name was absolutely the most dehumanizing thing in the world. It made you feel like you were a machine, an object, and that was one of the worst feelings in the whole universe. Aechmea blinked a few times before coughing into his hand "____, right. Sorry it was force of habit"

"How come I don't get old?" not wanting to be in the same room as this guy for more than another second, you immediately started asking him all the questions that bothered your mind the most. Aechmea hummed making himself comfortable in his chair.

"As you know there are six moons orbiting the earth and in all these six moons we Lunarians live. If our plan worked out as planned we had to make sure our human didn't die before they prayed for everyone. So we made sure your flesh and organs didn't start to age and decompose."

You listened carefully to his explanation before leaving a quite hum. These guys have created ships that travel at very high speeds from the moon to the earth, it's not surprising that they have managed to do such a thing. "Hm yea. Also, why did some of you freeze when you saw me? Heck the first time you even bowed and everything! You were very creepy I must admit"

At your words Aechmea left an amused chuckled "Oh yes. You see, your creation was not a known thing. To tell the truth only a small circle knew of your existence. And as previously mentioned your appearance was very deceiving so it happened that the first few times my people froze in shock. Over the years, however, they managed to get used to your presence even if I never revealed to them that you were one of our failed experiments. You know, I didn't want to demoralize them more"

Mhhhh okay, still creepy but okay, you can work with that. "And I assume I can breathe here on the moon because originally I had to pray or whatever and I couldn't die, right?" The prince smiled before nodding "Exactly" You sighed, and now what will you do? You honestly had a sudden urge to burst out laughing. You spent years and energy looking for a past that never existed. What a joke.

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