Chapter 42

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"So tell me Barbata. Don't you feel guilty?"

The scientist stopped on his tracks before turning towards his interlocutor, a much younger colleague of his. His eyes lingered on his petite figure before deciding to answer his question "I've done so many things I feel guilty about. You have to be more specific" The younger scientist averted his gaze looking at the files in his hands "You know, the operation. The one you did more than 200 years ago. On them"  

Barbata remained silent for a few seconds before turning back towards one of the craters that decorated the satellite. The same crater that was his prison and torture camp for too long. Words struggled to come out of his mouth, used to just working and not wondering about anything else. Why would he ever? When he has the guidance of his savior who promised him the end of all his suffering. 

"Didn't the Virgin Mary feel guilty when she realized she had given life to a man destined to die before her?" were the only words he managed to utter while he observed the crater almost with a strange sense of nostalgia. Sacrificing one for the good of all, something morally wrong but logically the best.

Sure he could pretend that he used those beautiful pieces of Bismuth, that covered the lunar surface, to repair their cracks only because they didn't have any diamonds as replacement material. But that would be a big fat lie.  

The younger scientist hummed while observing his superior. "Barbata!" a sudden voice snapped the scientist out of his trance. A vibrant purple blur approached him before stopping a few feet away to catch his breath. "I have. . .phew. . .I have found so much material for my research. This place is a gold mine!" the gem exclaimed, looking excitedly at his notes. At the joyful expression of his student Barbata smiled warming putting his hands on his pockets "I know right? Yet it was once considered the trash of the universe" 

Amethyst nodded, he couldn't wait to put everything he had discovered so far into action. Transforming gems into Lunarians. . . what a revolution! This way there will be no more wars and they can all find a solution together! The purple gem still remembered when he proposed his idea to the Prince. How anxious! He was shaking so much he was afraid he would break on the spot. 

Talking about Aechema.

"Hey Barbata, do you know where his Highness is?"


You looked at the ceiling, counting in your mind all the cracks that were there. 159 to be precise. You'll have to tell Sphene when he wakes up, you don't want the ceiling to suddenly cave in and fall on some gems by accident. If that happened Rutile would surely have a heart attack from all the work. That poor overworked doctor. You can already imagine the gems sighing at all the repairs that would have to be done, Bort grumply complaining that it could have been avoided while Yellow patted his back laughing.

The younger gems, however, such as Zircon, Melon and Hemi, would immediately get to work to help their elders. Isn't there also Obsidian's laboratory here? That poor gem would be devastated to see his beloved workplace in tatters. Then during the winter Antarc would surely have noticed the accident and would have blamed himself for not having checked the school structure better. And then who would have stopped him!? You're sure that the next few days your jobs would be nothing more than checking every inch of the school to make sure everything was in order. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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