Chapter 26

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      ☆▪︎▪︎▪︎ 102 years after Phos's transplant  ▪︎▪︎▪︎☆

"Hey _____" at the mention of your name you lifted your head "Yes, Rutile?" you replied sitting down beside Cairn and leaning on the handle of your sword "I know you've just finished dealing with winter and you must be tired but can you go and change the curtains in Phos's room? A little sunlight might be good for him" You nodded standing up "Sure, it's not a problem at all"

But before you could take another step Red Beryl blocked your way showing you a dress "WAIT! I need your help putting this dress on Cairngorm!" by your side the white gem groaned eyeing the dress reluctantly "Every year I have to wear a dress just to go to sleep, I don't understand why" he said with a deadpan. "Awww. But you're always so cute when you wear them" you teased him unable to hide a smirk. Cairngorm choked on his non-existent saliva, cheeks completely red, sending you a slight glare he started pushing you away "Shut up and go change that idiot's curtains!"

"But I have to help you put on the dress"


With a laugh you walked away to the room where Phos was placed. Once inside the room you started pulling down the white curtains, letting the sunlight enter the room "Man, if Phos sleeps any longer he'll start getting a reputation like Padpa's" you chuckled pulling down another curtain. You heard shuffling from behind you "What. . .? Its already morning. . .?" a voice groaned.

A second had to pass before you processed whoever had been speaking and once you did you stiffened. With the speed of light you snapped your head towards the origin of the voice, lowkey hurting yourself. On the bed where Phos was sleeping now the same peppermint?blue? gem sat up rubbing his head, still disoriented.

"Phos. . ." you weren't sure if you had actually said those words or just thought them, such was the state of shock you were in. The peppermint? blue? gem lifted his head towards you "Oh ____. *Yawn* Are you preparing the room for hibernation?" he asked pointing to the curtains you were holding. You looked at the white cloth in your hand, blinking a couple of times, still with wide eyes "N-No, well I-"

"Damn. . .do you know where Rutile is? My head hurts a lot. . ." he groaned getting off the bed before staggering towards Rutile's lab "A-Ah! Wait Phos!" you shouted going right after him. Still in shock you followed the gem to the lab entrance, with another groan he leaned against a pillar "Excuse me! I feel so tired. . .what happened?"

The three gems whipped their head, their eyes wide at the sight of Phos awake. Their gazes then simultaneously moved to you then to Phos again and finally to you. Surprised as much as them you frantically pointed the peppermint? blue? gem with your hands as if asking for an explanation. "Oh. . .my head feels so heavy. . .what a strange feeling. . ." he tried to take another step staggering almost losing his balance if you weren't there to support him "It has never been so hard to get up" he complained.

"Never? Perhaps so. Its also the first time I see this" said shocked Rutile watching as you sat the gem on a stool. "What do you mean? Its a rare symptom?" Phos then noticed Cairngorm and his face lit up "Hey Cairngorm! Whats up with that white outfit? Its for the winter? The other will be for me right?"

Red Beryl blinked, still speechless "For you. . .Phos?" before the gem could say anything else the doctor placed a bowl full of water in front of him. Phos tilted his head, still a bit tired and disoriented "Ahhhh, you want me to take off the powder don't you? You'll check my head-uh?" Leaning down the gemstone noticed a bluish tinge instead of his typical peppermint color. He narrowed his eyes until the waves calmed and he could see his reflection, his blue eyes observed his long hair of the same blue.

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