Chapter 30

548 37 31

Let me spoil you bbg.

TW: dissociation, questioning one's identity, gross stuff, panic attacks, Aechmea (He is a tw on his own), and overall there will be heavy topics. The beginning will be marked with a * and if you don't feel like reading it, there will be a summary at the end. Please, prioritize your health.


Watching the moon rise, the red gem stood up before walking towards the exit of his cave. Phosphophyllite's words still occupied his head even though he had already made up his mind. Cinnabar wasn't going to the moon, especially not now that he'd finally learned to control his poison. He could finally experience what it felt like to be with others and no longer locked up in the night.

Climbing up the bluff his vermilion eyes met a figure in the distance "____?" he mumbled almost in a whisper. You approached him helping him up "What are you doing here? Usually you never come to see me during the night" he asked noting your unusually serious expression. "I'm leaving for the moon" you said in a monotonous tone "I wanted to come and say bye since you usually stay alone"

Cinnabar's eyes widened as the wind rushed through his hair, ruffling it. "You are. . . going to the moon?" he asked with a shocked expression. You nodded "Exactly, I have no idea when we will meet again but in any case know that I love you. I love all you gems" The gem lowered his head towards the ground, the mercury around him began to stir forming almost stars. "Was it Phos?"


"Did Phos tell you to go to the moon?"

"Huh well yea. He told me he'd talked to everyone a bit about this,” you admitted, scratching the back of your neck awkwardly. "Don't go there!" shouted Cinnabar taking you by surprise "Phos. . .that damned Phos. . .he tried to convince me too. But he is nothing but a dirty manipulator! If you go with him, you'll end up hurting yourself" spat the red gem keeping his face to the ground with the mercury around him going wild.

You blinked at him, at loss of words, you knew the two of them didn't get along but up to this point? Cinnabar took advantage of your moment of shock to continue "Ever since he got back he's been doing nothing but lie to everyone and say certain things to certain people to pique their curiosity. He's done nothing but manipulate everyone. And he did it with you too! His 'suppose' best friend"

Again you didn't know what to say. On one hand Phos was your friend and always wanted your good but on the other hand it is true that the blue gem had been acting suspiciously since his return. And Cinnabar was cunning, he notices certain things. But at the same time. . .

"I may have deeper connections to the Lunarians than I thought" The red gem looked up in confusion "Phos revealed to me that when he found me, the Lunarians had kicked me out of a sunspot. If I go there they might have the answers I'm looking for" Cinnabar rolled his eyes, crossing his arms "He lied to you"

"I have a feeling he didn't. I too had developed some suspicions in the last few years"

"And who cares if you have connections to the Lunarians!" Cinnabar shouted again, tears of mercury threatened to fall from his crystalline eyes "Who cares about your past! I do not care! The past is the past for a reason, you told me that every time I got depressed" every time a new word came out of his mouth you couldn't help but be a little surprised, you've never seen him so angry? frustrated? determined?

Taking a step forward he wrapped his hands in yours "Please don't go" he whispered lowering his head. He didn't want you to leave, he was too attached to you. Thanks to you he had done such a big leap forward, he was even planning to go back to living in the school! He had even already talked with Jade and Sensei! "I don't know what Phos is up to but it's no good"

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